The Rise Of Larsson V

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Let me take this moment to remind you that this is a TomTord / TordTom fanfic.

Hey, I just wanted to clarify that this story is taking a bit longer because

1: I've only planned out half of the story so far.

2: I'm still composing its music.

And one last thing, this story's going to be long. I know I've written Hellsworld, Far, and Spares: Leftovers and they've all been around an hour long but this story might be longer.

But im not talking like Night Terrors long, that thing's long.

(Speaking of spares: Leftovers, is that thing gonna have a sequel or like-)


♥︎ Edd's POV

"At 9:43 last night, an execution camp was liberated, vigilantes along themselves Purple Soldiers infiltrated an execution camp and freed over three hundred other Purple Soldiers," I heard coming from the TV.

After Tord let me and Matt go, we were provided a nice hotel room until we left the UK.

Matt said he didn't want to.

Neither did I.

"What are you watching?" I asked Matt.

"The news," Matt said simply.

"Earlier this morning, a strange but terrific event accrued in London. After people were told to evacuate London because of the London Takeover, an individual which people are calling 'The London Zombie Lady' was spotted," I heard the news reporter say.

"Video recording of a lady with pitch-black eyes and a cut-off leg is seen dragging herself across the roads of London yelling for help when a Red Soldier in the area came to help, the lady somehow started eating his face off. Red Army confirms that the Soldier in the video recording did die."

After hearing that I sat down next to Matt and watched it with him.

"That lady has not been found yet and is still being searched for," The news claims.

"Is this the actual zombie, as we've seen something like this before? Or is this just some sort of sick joke?" The news reporter asked.

Matt gave me the TV remote and said "I'm going to bed."

"I am too," I said.

Matt lay on his bed and I lay on mine.

"Goodnight," I said as I turned off the lamp.


"Edd..." Matt said.

"Do you think Tom's okay?..." Matt asked.


"I hope so..." I replied.

♠︎Tom's POV

"So... You're really rebuilding this place, huh?" I asked Tord as we finally reached London.

"Mhm," Tord said as he kept his eyes on the road.

"What even happen, there's a bunch of burnt-down buildings and everything's destroyed," I pointed out.

"Well, after me and my army invaded London, we needed people to leave, so we scared them off with bombs," Tord explained.

I gave him a nasty look for a second, "You're crazy."

"Why's you even need them to leave?" I asked.

"I needed to establish the base," Tord said.

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