𐌵𐌕OP𐌉𐌀 I

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3rd Person POV
The M-Pyramid High School

The student of The M-Pyramid High School is expecting a visitor.

They're expecting a police officer to come and talk to them about safety.

The police officer will come and talk about safety because of the Chamberlist School Shooting that accrued around 2 months ago.

5 period, a police officer walked into a math classroom.

The tall, ginger-haired, 'police officer' entered the room.

Instead of normally introducing himself to the classroom he got straight to the point and asked the whole class a question.

"Where is Lisa Gardner?"

The class was awkwardly silent until one student slowly raised their hand.

"My name is Lisa Gardner," The girl said.

The police officer, almost in a hypnotized way, stared at the girl.

"After this period, meet me outside the office," The 'officer' demanded.

After that period, the girl listened and headed down to the office where the police officer waited for her.

"My name is Matthew Härtgreaves, but for now you can call me Matt," The 'police officer' said.

"And what did you call me down here for?" Lisa asked.

"You're Lisa Gardner. What was the last time you and your brother talked?" Matt asked.

"Which brother?" Lisa laughed.

"Edd," Matt said. "Edd Gardner."



"Edd Gardner is dead..." Lisa said sadly. "He was kidnapped, raped, and murdered when he was sixteen..."



Matt looked at her in confusion.

"Is that what mother told you?" Matt asked.

"Mhm, she always gets so sad when she reminds herself what happened," Lisa said.

"Well, your mum is lying," Matt said. "I know your brother, and I know he is alive, and well."
"N-no, no he died," Lisa denied.

"No, he did not," Matt insisted.

"And how would you know?!" Lisa exclaimed.

"Because I spoke to him earlier!" Matt yelled.



"And if you don't believe me, I can show you to him," Matt said

"But we have to speak in private, we have to speak outside, once school is over."

Once school is over

Lisa walked outside once school was over.

Matt grabbed her by the shoulder and walked her to the side of the school.

Matt pulled out his gun and pointed it at her head once nobody could see them.

"Where is Apollo Härt?" Matt asked, shoving the muzzle of the gun that has a silencer attached against her head and covering her mouth.

Matt then slowly lifted his hand off her mouth and repeated his question.

"Where is Apollo Härt?"

"I don't- I don't know!" Lisa cried.

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