Orian's Game

928 28 76

London, England 1998
3rd Person POV

Matt sat on that chair, both his hands individually handcuffed to two different poles.

His mouth was duct-taped.

The room was dark and empty.

That's when a young man, around 18 - 19, walked into the room.

His blue eyes shinned.

The man ripped off the duct tape and introduced himself.

"My name is Orian, but you can call me Ori," The man introduced himself. "Do you know what's happening?"

Matt shook his head slowly.

"Do you want me to tell you?" Ori asked.

Matt nodded his head.

"Well," Ori said. "You've been caught."

Matt didn't quite understand.

Ori noticed that Matt didn't understand and decided to elaborate for him.

"I'm with the Children Of The Harvest," Ori finally said.

Matt began to understand.

"Fuck..." Matt let out.

Ori then grabbed a small spray bottle out of his pocket.

"Aipotu 42 is a poison strong enough to kill 18 grown men all at once," Ori started. "But, there are a signific amount of people who can survive the Aipotu poison due to the vaccine already being in their blood."

"I know that you are one of those people," Ori said. "And I know that when it contacts any sensitive parts of the body, it can burn, and it burns like hell."

Ori then showed Matt the small spray bottle.

"In here are five ounces of Aipotu converted into liquid," Ori explained, shaking the small spray bottle.

"I'm going to spray this into your eyes if you don't answer my questions."

Ori smiled.

"How about we start?"

Ori pointed the spray bottle at Matt's eye and with the other hand made sure his eye stayed open.

"Where is Apollo? Where is his research? Where is Jessika Härt?" Ori asked all at once.

At first, Matt didn't answer.

"I killed him-" Matt said before Ori sprayed him in the eye.

Matt tried not to yell, and he didn't at the first spray.

Ori looked at him, clearly impressed.

"Okay, then," Ori said. "Let's try this again."

"Where is Apollo? Where is his research? Where is Jessika Härt?" Ori asked again.

"I said I killed him!" Matt yelled.

Ori sprayed him in the eye again.

Matt once again held it in but began to crack.

"Where is Apollo? Where is his research? Where is Jessika Härt?" Ori repeated.

"I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!" Matt yelled violently.

Ori sprayed him in the eye once again.

Matt once again tried to hold it in but couldn't.

Matt began to scream in agony.

Ori got the point yet again, "Where is Apollo? Where is his research? Where is Jessika Härt?"

"I WILL NOT TELL YOU!" Matt yelled.

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