"You know, you do that a lot."

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"Mm. Where should we go next?" I glance up from fiddling with my bracelet and see that Jack is looking at me straight on. "I don't know." I mumble, going back to twisting and turning my single gold chain absentmindedly. He sighs, and places two fingers under my chin, lifting my gaze to meet his.

"You know, you do that a lot." He says, chuckling softly. "Do what?" I ask, slightly tilting my head in confusion. "Zone out." He answers simply. "No I don't."

Jack shrugs. "Yes you do... and I'm curious.. what were you thinking about?" I bite my lip gently. As I begin to think about it, I genuinely don't know what I was thinking about. "I guess... I was just.. thinking."

He pouts. "That's not a good enough answer, sweetheart."
"I know. I'm sorry. It's just that I don't really know what I was thinking about. Nothing.. I suppose."

A smile creeps across his face, and he crosses his arms in front of his chest. "What?" I ask.
"Babe, You're the only person I know that can sit and think about nothing." He says, chuckling. I frown.
"Hey. Don't laugh."
"I never said it was a bad thing. I just.. I don't get how you can do that."

I think for a minute, before I come up with a good way to explain it.

"You know.. When you're listening to a really good song and all you're doing is listening to it and you don't really think about what the lyrics mean? It's like that."

He shoots me a confused look. "If you're listening to music, you're thinking about music, not nothing."
I sigh. "Alright fine. You want to know how it feels to be without any thought?"
He nods, and I smile.
"Alright, here we go. Shut your eyes."

He does as he's told, and before he knows what hit him, I place my hands behind his head, kissing him with all the confidence I can muster up. He pulls away for a second, startled.
"Babe, what does this have to do with-" I stop him, shaking my head.
"Just shut up and kiss me."


Once I pull away, I lean my head on his shoulder, catching my breath.
"Get it now?" I ask.
He blinks at me.
"Yes. Yes I do."

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