How you meet

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"Sit down, the bell rang, now let's get to work!"

You groan at the thought of any form of work or effort. You're probably the laziest person to ever live, honestly. "Take out your books and turn to page 157" Your teacher commands. "That'll happen just about as soon as you wear something other than cordoroy pants and that awful blue vest." You mutter under your breath. You hear a laugh coming from your right side, and turn to see a brown haired boy smiling up at you. "You're forgetting the nurse shoes. Those are the best part." He says just loud enough for you to hear. You smile, turning back to face the teacher.

You listen for about three minutes before giving up trying to focus. Grabbing a pen out of your binder, you doodle map of the concert venue that's been on your mind all day. You've been waiting for the Ed Sheeran concert since this summer, and it's finally happening on Friday. A wide grin stretches across your face at the thought of it. "Hey" The "nurse shoes" guy whispers, leaning in towards your desk. "You're going to the Ed Sheeran concert?" You nod. "Me too!" He says, his voice a bit too loud. "HEY! You two! I will not tolerate talking while i'm teaching. Understand?" The teacher says, glaring from the front of the room.

You both nod, waiting for her to turn back around, before you burst out laughing. "She is literally a psychopath!" He whispers, choking back a laugh. "I know! It's the cordoroy, i heard it does weird things to people.." He grins widely. "Totally. I'm Jack by the way.." You smile, "I'm (Y/N)." He puts a hand up, indicating for you to wait. He scribbles something on a piece of paper, folding it up and handing it to you. "My number, i was thinking we could meet up at the concert Friday.." You nod. " i would love that."

So, first imagine done! Hope it wasn't too bad..

if you want to request an imagine, i would love that! Thanks!!

my twitter - @detroitnialll

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