First Fight

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"Jack. Who is this ?" You ask, holding up a picture of your boyfriend hugging a pretty blonde girl. "Her, um.. That's just a friend of mine." You nod, scrolling down a bit more on your phone. "Okay. Would you care to explain why your 'friend' is sitting on your lap in this picture? Or kissing your cheek in this one?" He bites his lip, but stays nonchalant. "She was a little tipsy, she was just messing around. No damage done. Just drop it."

You glare, putting one hand on your hip. "No harm done? Jack, you let this girl sit on your lap? And kiss you!" "Babe- she didn't mean anything by it. Stop overreacting. God" You gasp, throwing your phone at his head and walking out the door. "Hey!" He calls after you, stopping you on the front porch of his house. "What the hell! That hurt!" You flick him off. "Fucking good! If you're not gonna listen to me and just tell me to stop overreacting, I'm don't even wanna be around you. goodbye."

You stomp away, your eyes flooding with tears. You'd always sort of known Jack was too good to be true. He was cute, funny, smart, popular. Why would he ever want someone like you? Ugly. fat. stupid. useless. You'd always known one day he would leave you for one of the gorgeous girls he was friends with from YouTube. Today was gonna be that day.

Tears blurring your vision, you sat down on the street. you tucked your knees into your chest and sobbed, trying not to think of the inevitable breakup that lay ahead. Jack had come along just when you were at your breaking point. Depressed and done being ignored, you felt like you had nobody who cared. Then Jack came along, your sunshine. He helped you get past your depression and your eating disorder. He brought light to your life like nobody else ever could. Now he was gone. Your breathing accelerated as you started thinking about it, a mini panic attack setting in as you sat there in the middle of the street like a freak.

A pair of arms reached around your waist, and you jumped, not knowing who was behind you. "Come here, doll." Jack's soft but sad voice registered in your head as he picked you up. "J..jack I'm sorry I sshouldn't have done th.. that and I-" He silenced you with a gentle kiss to your forehead. "Shh. I know. I know you didn't mean it, calm down before you pass out." You nodded, burying your face into his chest and hearing his heartbeat, safe in his arms for what you figured would be the last time before he left you.

"I'm sorry Jack." you whispered once you felt a bit calmer. He nodded. "Me too. I'm sorry I brushed it off like that, I had no idea how serious you were about those pictures. but I promise, nothing happened between me and her. Absolutely nothing. " I nodded. "Okay. Jack before you say it, I just want to say thanks for what you've done for me. You've been the most incredible boyfriend that I could've asked for."

"Thanks, but I have no idea what you're talking about." I sigh. "Go ahead. Just say it" He gives me a puzzled look. "Say what?" I look down at the pavement as the tears start to roll down my cheeks again. "That you're b.breaking up with"

"You honestly think I'm breaking up with you?" I nod, sniffling. he pulls my chin up to meet my eyes. "You're my best friend. You're funny, sweet, beautiful, and smart. You're the loveliest person I've ever met in my entire life. I'm not breaking up with you. of course not!" "Really?" he laughs. "Yes, really. Now c'mon lets go back to my house and watch a movie or something."

I smile and hug him. "Sounds perfect. but first we need to get some ice for your head. I'm so so sorry. I didn't think it would actually hit you." He laughs. "okay. then we probably should try and order you a new phone."

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