Celebrity Stalking..

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"THERE HE IS!" You hear a shrill voice scream from across the street. You look over to your boyfriend, Jack, and see his eyes light up. "Let's do this." You say, grabbing his hand and focusing your gaze onto the tall brunette figure getting into the car up ahead, also known as Harry Styles. He takes the lead, shifting in front of you to block you from oncoming cars, as you sprint out into heavy New York City traffic. Your pulse races wildly as you get closer and closer to the car that Harry's in. You reach out and touch it for a half a second, before it lurches forward and out of your grasp. You don't slow your pace, though, you keep going full speed to catch up with the black streak of a car containing Harold Styles.

You two run down the block, dodging cars here and there. You can still see the car, it's only a few hundred feet ahead of you. A light is coming up, and if it's red, you'll be able to reach it. After another block or so, you look up to see the suspended light blink red. "Yes, Jack we can rea-" Suddenly, you feel the force of a taxi bump you from behind, causing you to crumble to the ground mid sentance. "Shit, shit shit shit" You hear Jack curse under his breath. He pulls you up into his arms , and onto the sidewalk, letting you down gently on a bench nearby.

"Baby, baby are you okay? Oh my god, your gonna die, oh my god. oh my-" You put a shaky hand over his mouth. "Shh. Jack. i'm f..fine, it hurts, b..but im fine." He gives a sigh of relief. "Baby i'm so sorry. I never should have let you do this." You shake your head. "We both wanna meet Harry more than anything. And shit, we are gonna find Harold damn Styles and get a damn selfie with him, okay?" He laughs, nodding. "Alright, babe. But you kinda just got hit by a car. We probably need to like, bring you to the doctor or something." "It just kinda bumped me and knocked me down. I'll be fine, i just need to lay down for an hour and take an asprin or something." He nodded, helping you up. He put an arm around your back and slowly helped you back to your hotel.

After a hot shower and a couple asprin, your were feeling fine again. Jack saw something on twitter about Harry being at the hotel down the street, so you decide to head over there and check it out. There was a crowd of about fifty people or so waiting there when you got there. There was some kind of a barricade blocking off the main entrance, so you assumed that was probably where Harry planned to leave from. "Do you think we should try and push up to the front?" You asked. "Yeah, that's gonna be our best chan-" He cut off mid sentance, jerking his head suddenly to the right. "holy shit, there he is!" He half whispered, half yelled. You followed his gaze, seeing a tall figure creeping around the side of the building. Your heart beat fast as you let Jack pull you through the crowd, careful not to call attention to yourselves.

You managed to get into a clearing, where Harry was hding against the wall, while waiting for his car to pull up. "Fuck. it really is him." You said, shaking oout of pure nervousness and excitement.. "I know. Now c'mon, we have to get to him before he gets noticed. You walk, hand in hand with Jack, slowly towards him. He sees you, and lowers his head, hoping you won't notice him. "um, Harry? we were wondering if we could get a picture.. we're huge fans." He nods. "Of course,. But please, please don't give away my hiding spot. I'm not in the mood to get mobbed." You promise, taking out your iphones.

You shakily snap a picture with him, and after that, Jack. You give him a quick hug before he says a fast goodbye, and waits for you to leave, probably praying you wouldn't tell anyone. You wallk away, and once your a good distance away, you squeal loudly, bursting into happy tears. "ohmy.ggogd Jack w.we met fucking H.harold sstyles!" He kisses your cheek. "This is like a dream. I can't believe it." You both take your phones back out, looking at the pictures you'd taken. Your heart sinks as you see the shaky quality of it. You can hardly make out he faces, it's so blurry. "J..jack. This is the worst picture in the world." He nods, holding his up to show you. "So is mine, the light blurred out Harry's face." You look back at him. "Um, its ok i guess. At least we met him.." He nods, shifting his head down for a second ,before looking back up into your eyes. "Wanna, chase him back down and get new ones?" You nod. "Hell yeah I do, Let's go.."


Keep requesting, guys. Thanks !

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