Chapter 18 - New life

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He leads me outside of the office and through some stairs. We are on the second floor, which is the bodyguard floor, alongside the cook, gardener, and most of the staff. The next floor was Fred's. I thought it was a little strange that he had a floor to himself, but Mateo explained that usually there would be more people, but he only brought Fred with him this time, it was also the floor for guests. The fourth floor was for meetings and had more offices, fifth floor was full of games like pool and card games, among others.

"And finally, the sixth floor: our floor!" he says excitedly.

"Our floor?" I ask a bit incredulous "You have a complete floor just for two people, I mean just for you in this case."

"Yes, I have a complete floor just for myself." He says with a strange expression. "Let's go to our room." He said and opened one of the two doors there were. Inside, there was the biggest bed I have ever seen, I think six people could sleep there, and there was a sofa in one of the corners with a big TV on the wall, and I could see all kinds of decoration. "Come, I think you will like the next room." He says this, putting both of his hands around my waist and guiding me through one of the two doors there were. "This is the closet, there is more than enough space for you to put your things or even if you want to have a chance of clothes here. And then next to it, there is this room." He says opening the door that led to heaven "I had this redecorated for you. I don't understand much about music, but according to Damiano, this is everything you'll ever need. Do you like it?" there were all kinds of guitars inside, different colours too, a bunch of amplifiers, a drummer, and a piano, plus the walls were like the ones in a studio, and in a corner there was a desk.

"It's amazing! It looks like a dream come true. Thank you for doing this for me." I say looking at him and thinking that maybe he wasn't that bad, I knew he wasn't, even if I still didn't know him that well.

"It was nothing, Porchay, plus now I can work and listen to you whenever you are playing." He says happy

"I'll try to be better for you, it's just too soon. In a day, my life turned upside down even more than it was." I say

"I know Porchay, believe me, I know how hard it is to have your life change from water to wine. I told you I would wait for you, and I'm going to do that even if it takes a long time." he pulls me closer to him and hugs my waist "Being close to you is enough for me." I put my hands above his

"Thank you. Can I play?" I ask excited

"Of course, I'm still waiting to hear you sing something since yesterday you weren't feeling well."

I go through the instruments and choose one guitar. I connect it to the sound machine, and I start playing random accordions. I don't have a song in my head, so I just hum a little as I feel him watching me. I also think about P'Kim and the song he wrote, he is doing everything he can to discover Khun Korn's plan, and I'm lucky because I have him, and I also have Matteo, who is being patient and doing all these things to make me feel loved by him. I hate that I am being forced to be with him, but honestly, if I wasn't with P'Kim, the chances of me falling in love with him would be very high.

"You are really good." He says, sounding excited "Maybe one day you could play in Eurovision."

"Thailand doesn't participate in Euro Vision." I say a bit confused.

"No, it doesn't, but Italy does." He says it and looks at me


"You know that I can't stay here forever, my place is in Italy, and your place is with me. I'm not leaving you behind, and that is final, Porchay."

"I don't want to go to Italy. I want to stay here."

"We're not going now. A lot of things are happening in Thailand at the moment, and the mafia is all here, plus you have university and don't speak Italian. We'll wait until you finish your first year, and then we need to go, Porchay. I think you can learn Italian in a year, even with all the study you'll have to do for your classes."

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