Chapter 30 - Healing in process

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I fall asleep and I wake up with the sun shining right on my face. I open my eyes slowly my shoulder still hurts and now with all the adrenaline out of my body I think I'm finally feeling everything. I also see my brother by the window looking lost in his own thoughts. I know he blames himself for this, but he shouldn't, it's not his fault. He turns and sees me.

"Chay, you're awake. Do you need to use the bathroom?" he asks concerned

"I think I can walk Hia but thank you." I say

"Don't walk unless someone is in here with you, you may fall."

"Khrup Hia."

"Good, now wait here, I'm going to get food and a doctor. I'll be back in no time." he says leaving the room.

I look around, it feels safe being with Hia but at the same time there's sometimes when I close my eyes that I'm back at that place, in the corner of that room just waiting for him to shut up or sitting in front of the TV afraid. I want to feel good here, but I don't understand why, it looks like I'm always on edge.

Someone knocks on the door and I don't know how but I got up and went to the corner, it was so automatic I don't even realise I did it until I'm there. I'm completely messed up and I want to cry.

"Porchay, can I come in?" I hear Matteo asking me but to me everything is dark, he knocks again and I cover my hears felling myself starting to shake "Porchay? Are you ok?" I don't answer, it feels like I can't talk, like I'm paralyzed "I'm coming in."

He opens the door, but I don't move, I see two shadows move and coming near me but I don't look up I'm afraid I'll see Itsuki again, I'm afraid it's going to be him...

"Porchay..." I see Matteo's hand reaching in my direction which wakes me off that nightmare

"Don't... touch me." I see squeezing myself more to the corner, he looks at me with pain in his eyes and just then I realise P'Kim is also here wearing crutches and he has his shoulder and leg covered in bandages. Walking must really hurt him, but I think the guilty look he has on his eyes hurts me more.

"Can you get up?" Matteo asks

"I can." I answer coldly and get up, it's a little hard because of my hurt shoulder and the scratches on my stomach but I manage

"Do you want help going back to bed?" he asks again

"No." I say as I walk one step at a time.

After I'm back to bed the room is silent, I can sense them analysing me, but I don't have the courage to look them in the eyes instead I just cover myself as much as I can. I hate the way they're looking at me...

"Porchay..." this time P'Kim is the one to talk "We're sorry about this. This wasn't suppose to happen, you weren't suppose to get hurt... we're really sorry... we just..." I don't know why but the way they're looking at me plus the things P'Kim is saying it just really makes me angry.

"No, you don't get to do that!" I say without raising my head "You knew each other, you have a story together and you used me. Both of you grew up in this world, you knew perfectly well the things that could happen to me and you didn't care about..."

"We care! Don't say that we don't care, it just wasn't the plan..." P'Kim starts but I don't want to hear it

"Just shut up with your plans. No mater how much you say you care, you put me in this position, since the beginning, it was fake with both of you. Both. You even said countless time you wouldn't do what he did, you wouldn't use me like he did, but you did exactly the same."

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