Chapter 60 - Doubt

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The kid continued to cry. He had his little hands around my arm and his face on my neck. He barely made a sound while crying. He was probably used to hide his feelings. He was quiet, and during the entire time I left him, his face was blank. He didn't want to be a burden, so whatever happened to him, it was for him to know only. He was an angel for the rest of the world, but he carried so much weight on his back at such a young age.

"Shh... It's going to be alright." I say caressing his hair

"My papa won't come back..." he said between tears, and I felt those words in my heart

"He won't, but you still have your mama, she can take care of you, and you can come here whenever you want, I'll play with you." I say trying to comfort him, even though there is nothing that could be said that would make the feeling of losing your father disappear.

"I want papa..." he says, and cries more

I let a few tears leave my eyes. I miss my father too. P'Porsche always talked about how great our father was, but I saw that with my own eyes. I used to imagine how my life would be if they were alive, but I haven't done that in a long time.

I feel the kid starting to relax in my shoulders, his hands are not pressuring my arms, and his breathing is steady. He felt asleep crying. Poor thing. I stay still with Lorenzo on my arms, and I hear some noise. I see the door open, and I see P'Kim and Matteo. I put a finger in front of my lips as a way of telling them to stay silent.

They look at me with the kid on my arms, and their eyes change, they're filled with ternure. I slowly put the kid on our bed. He is still shaking a little, so I cover him with a little blanket.

Then I guide P'Kim and Matteo to the closet so we can talk without waking Lorenzo up.

"You were crying." P'Kim says coming to me and cleaning my tears

"You are also bleeding." Matteo says looking at my hand, worried

"Some stitch probably broke, he hugged my arms with so much strength. I didn't know a little boy would be so strong." I say as I take off my shirt for P'Kim to see

"Lorenzo is different." Matteo says, "He has been training since he was young." I look at Matteo, concerned

"He is young. I thought you didn't train little boys." I say

"Lorenzo is a genius; that's one of the reasons he was alone. Kids his age don't play with him, and he also has a hard time understanding them. When we came across that, I talked to Enzo and Maria, his parents, and suggested that he should be trained for a high position from an early age. They were a bit hesitant at first, all they wanted was the best for their child, so they ended up agreeing."

"I don't think that's correct, he's just a kid." I say

"Love, there isn't anything correct or incorrect in situations like this. He is special, he can do great things, and when he turns eighteen, if he doesn't want to be in the front row, he can say that. We aren't making him do anything."

"What about playing outside, with other kids, running around, being a kid, you know?" I ask a bit mad

"He doesn't like to do that. Other kids think he is weird because he is smart and is learning things they'll learn in five years. Love, that was the solution we came up with. I'm not saying it's good, it was the best we could think of at the time." Matteo admits

"Fine, but things need to change. He needs to be a kid."


"Angel." P'Kim says now that my argument with Matteo is finished, "I think I'll need to redo the stitch, and we also need to take the kid downstairs, his mother wants to leave." He says and I agree

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