Chapter 7

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"Where have you two been?" Neema asked, finishing with a customer.

"Evelina dragged me over to see Saree," Mahogany said, grabbing a caramel from the bowl and popping it into her mouth.

"Evelina!" Neema gasped. "Saree just lost her husband."

Mahogany smirked at Evelina. "I told you."

"But we found a clue." Evelina pulled the handkerchief from her purse. "It was under Saree's bed."

"You were in her bedroom? What did she have to say about that?" Neema said, her tone admonishing, but she took the hanky and examined it.

"She doesn't know. I kept her busy in the kitchen while Evelina turned cat burglar." Mahogany extracted another caramel and savored its salty sweetness.

"Oh, Evelina," Neema said, her mouth pulling down in a disapproving frown. "Wait, this is RW's handkerchief." Her eyes grew wide. "This was under Saree's bed?" Neema's disapproval was shoved out of the way by curiosity. "Mahogany, those candies are for customers."

Mahogany rolled her eyes and dropped the third caramel back into the bowl.

Evelina nodded with enthusiasm. "And she was getting rid of Matt's clock collection. She said she had to because he hadn't left a life insurance policy, and there were bills to pay."

The light dimmed in Neema's eyes. "Maybe he came by to pay his respects and gave it to her to dry her eyes. It might not mean what we think it means."

"I said the same thing." Mahogany took the hanky from Neema and gave it another once over. "Is there a way to check for tears?"

"Oh, that's a good idea," Evelina nodded.

Neema's brow furrowed. "I'm not sure I have anything on that topic. Check in the kitchen. If not, take a walk over to Poisoned Pens. I bet they have something."

"Oh, the bookstore!" Evelina clapped like a child who had just been gifted a pony.

Mahogany rolled her eyes again and headed into the kitchen to look for books on detecting bodily fluids.


"I'm so glad Neema didn't have what we were looking for," Evelina said, her eyes as big as dinner plates. Before them stood row upon row of rich wooden shelving stacked two deep with books running the shop's length.

"Here again so soon," Cam Herrah greeted them from behind the tiny counter. A large, antique cash register took up most of the counter's real estate. The wall behind the counter was littered with photos from customers, family members, and bookstore events. "How did game night go?"

"Hey, Cam. Rabbit Rabbit was a hit. Thanks for the recommendation," Mahogany said, going up to the counter. Atop her head, Bazgul chattered at Cam.

"Hey, there, little fella." Cam reached into a jar on the counter and retrieved a small dog bone, and Bazgul snatched it with relish. "What can I get you today?"

"Do you happen to have any books on detecting tears," Mahogany asked, one eyebrow cocked high.

"That's very specific," Cam said, his eyes squinted in thought. "But I think I have just the thing."

He stepped around the counter and led Mahogany and Evelina down a narrow aisle. They snaked through stacks of books too large to fit on the shelves and armchairs, inviting customers to sit and browse.

Cam stopped before a shelf labeled Detections S-Z. His gaze ran over the spines until it landed on one. "This ought to do the trick." He held the book to Mahogany as if it were a fine wine.

The Girl and the Clock Tower Murder: Pandemonium Cozy Mystery #2Where stories live. Discover now