Day 4: Witch

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Teddy Jin loved cats. He'd always dreamed of getting his own cat. As a child, he had cat themed backpacks, folders, books, and clothes. But once he entered middle school, he had to hide his love of cats. He had to act all tough and bully others so he wouldn't become the victim.

Since his parents, like most parents in the Weak Hero World, weren't around most of the time, they didn't learn of Teddy's two new pets until after a surprise visit to see their son.

"Aww," Mom Jin cooed. "You got your first familiars!"

"Familiars?" Teddy questioned.

"Oh, we didn't tell you?" Dad Jin said. "Our family is a descendant from witches,"

"What the fuck!?" Teddy exclaimed. "Dad, are you alright? How can we be descendants of witches?"

"When a female witch and a male witch—"

"Nevermind!" Teddy interrupted, not wanting to have the talk with them again. "What did you mean by familiars?"

"Most witches have animal familiars if they decide to start practicing magic," Mom Jin explained. "The most common type of animal is a cat, usually a black one," She picked up Co and Sprite. "They're not black cats, but they're still adorable and will make great familiars,"

'She said magic,' Teddy thought. 'Magic is real. What the fuck!?' "How do I use magic?"

"What a great idea for a family bonding activity!" Dad Jin declared. "We'll finally be able to spend some time together while we teach you all about magic!"

Teddy's main purpose for using magic was all related to his cats. He wanted to use his magic as a street performer to gain money to support his cats, especially Co's voracious appetite. He'd be able to make money in addition to what he earned working for Ttosikki.

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