Day 23: Fly

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Sequel to Feathers and Summon.

Jaeryeong was exhausted. His whole body ached. He was drenched from the rain and his feathered wings felt heavy. He did his best to squeeze the water out from his clothes and feathers.

He rested in an abandoned building on the outskirts of Mapo. The storm had prevented him from flying further.

'He hates me now...' Jaeryeong teared up at the thought of Gijoo. 'He was like a father to me. But now that he knows I'm not human...he's probably disgusted. Maybe...maybe he'll even report me to the police!' His heart broke at the thought.

Jaeryeong closed his eyes and slept.


When Jaeryeong woke up, he panicked when he saw that he was in someone's house. He had been tucked into bed, his wings still fully visible. Gijoo...he sat next to Jaeryeong's bed but had fallen asleep.

"I need to get out of here," Jaeryeong whispered to himself and quietly got out of bed. When he opened the door, he came face to face with Joowon. "Joowon! I, uh, I was just leaving,"

"You were out cold for three whole days," Joowon deadpanned. "You should still be resting,"

"Huh?" Gijoo groggily woke up and rushed over to his son. "Jaeryeong!" He hugged him tightly.

"G-Gijoo?" Jaeryeong teared up. "W-Why are you hugging me? I...I'm not normal!"

"You're not normal by human standards," Joowon said. "But you're normal by demon standards,"

"I think he's a disappointment by demon standards," Doyoon popped his head into the room. "He got sick from a storm and was out for three whole days. He's such a weakling,"

"Doyoon, last time I checked you were human and I'm the demon here," Joowon glared at him.

"You're a demon too!?" Jaeryeong stared at him in shock.

"I sealed my powers away, but I undid it to track you down easily," Joowon allowed himself to glow a bit and his horns, wings, and tail reappeared. His ears became pointed and his teeth and nails became sharp. "Gijoo wouldn't stop sobbing after you ran off so you're not leaving Cheongang,"


"You're also going to need a place to fly," Joowon continued. "It's not good to not use them for a long period of time. They'll weaken,"

"But where can I fly where humans won't see me and the government won't try to capture me?" Jaeryeong asked.

"My wife's family owns some land," Joowon informed. "My son is half-demon and Changhui's son is also half-demon. They've been flying freely for years. You can fly there too,"

Jaeryeong cried, this time tears of relief and joy.

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