Day 30: Chemistry

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"I don't understand how Doyoon and Gijoo are dating," Joowon told Changhui out of the blue.

Changhui raised a brow. "You're not one to usually care about other people's relationships,"

"Yeah but Doyoon and Gijoo are too different," Joowon said. "Doyoon is extremely strict while Gijoo is more relaxed. Doyoon's underlings follow him because they respect his strength, but also because they fear being punished. Jaeryeong and the Action Squad respect Gijoo and prefer to work under him because he kinder to them than Doyoon is to his underlings,"

"Gijoo helps Doyoon loosen up and take breaks," Changhui explained. "He makes sure Doyoon doesn't overwork himself like last time,"

"I don't understand why Gijoo willingly dates Doyoon," Joowon continued. "Gijoo cares about Jaeryeong and treats him like a little brother but Doyoon hates Jaeryeong,"

"You don't have to like your partner's entire family while dating," Changhui reminded. "You just have to tolerate them during inevitable family gathering events,"

"Uh..." Jaeryeong got their attention. "I've been trying to give you guys these files for the past ten minutes but you were ignoring me and talking about Gijoo and Doyoon dating. Also...THEY'RE DATING!?"

This was another tough prompt for me to write. I had a different idea planned but it felt too short so here's it as an omake.


"Ben got banned from the chemistry lab," Alex informed the Eungang.

"Ben's glowing," Gray stated. "There is no combination of chemicals that you had access to in the lab that would result in his skin glowing,"

"The teacher doesn't understand how Ben got himself to glow either," Alex shrugged. "Ben thinks he's fine and doesn't want to go to the hospital,"

"If your skin is glowing then it means your healthy," Ben claimed.

"People don't mean literally glowing skin!" Alex told him. "You're literally a human glowstick!"

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