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He opened his eyes only to find darkness around him leave for a streak of light from the far end of the room. He tried to move his arms but he found that he was strapped to his bed. He heard a door creak and he strained his neck to see who had entered the room. He saw a tall man wearing robes enter the room. The man made his way towards him and sat down on a chair beside the bed with a creak.

"Who are you?" he managed to croak, his voice cracking. He realized he hadn't spoken with anyone for a long time.

"Ah!" The tall man exclaimed, smiling. "I don't think that is the question you must be asking." He said.

He tried to recall how he got in this room, what this place was. But his brain did not have any of this information. It was as if his memory had been wiped clean. The realization hit him then.

"Who am I?" He asked, panic rushing through his body. He tried to free himself from the straps but he was too weak. His head was hurting and he could not remember anything. "WHERE AM I?" He tried to scream, but his voice gave up on him. He could not place his emotions, he did not know how he got here. He did not know who he was. He struggled again, but a warm hand laid its rest on his forehead. 

"Calm down, son." The tall man said, his smile not showing the slightest hint of fading away. "You are safe here." The man said in a soothing voice.

"Welcome to my abode, Leo. You can call me the Kenjah."


Completed on 25 December 2017. Merry Christmas, folks :) 


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#1 in Science Fiction

(23 February 2018)


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