Chapter 41

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Two huge bay doors opened up from the belly of the ship. Our jet slowly went inside the bay doors which closed soon after our jet came to a standstill. It was pitch black outside and there didn't seem to be any movement outside. The only voices which could be heard were those of the soldiers, who were whispering to one another. 

"It takes three to four days for us to reach the home planet, right?" I asked the soldier sitting beside me. "With our ships, yes. But the kenjah's ships seem to be moving much faster than we ever anticipated. At this rate, we would most probably reach the home planet in the matter of hours." He replied. Suddenly, bright lights flashed in from the windows and the soldiers froze in terror. We could see men with in full body armour and weapons standing outside, their fingers on the trigger. "Whoa!" I exclaimed. I then saw a man approaching the jet, flanked by two men in military uniform on each side. I immediately recognized the man, he was the kenjah himself. The door of our jet opened all by itself and the kenjah walked straight over to the place where Anna and I were sitting. "It's a pleasure meeting the both of you again!" he said, faking a smile. "Well, it's not a pleasure for us, considering what you did to Leo." Anna said, giving him a look of disgust. I elbowed her. This was not a good time to argue with the kenjah. We were his captives now and putting up a fight would only make things worse. "What do you want from us, Kenjah? What is the point of all this?" I asked him. "Oh! I think you already know that. You think I do not know about the war you along with the Crux Army are going to wage on me?" He asked me, taking me by surprise. "What?" I asked, wondering how the kenjah had gotten hold of our secrets. "I know everything, Konrad. Everything. You aren't the only team with spies everywhere. Well, nevertheless, my spies did an admirably good job keeping me posted about the developments in your base." he replied. "Who is your spy?" I asked him. "Oh really? So you just ask and I am just going to reveal the identity of my man? I am not a scumbag like you people are." He replied. "So what next? You are going to kill us all to show the rest of the people that they must not mess with you? Well, you'd be wrong, they'd just keep coming." I said to him. "Oh no! I never make things that simple." He replied. "Everybody back there is going to regret their decision." he continued. "This is going to get bad." Anna whispered, but it was audible enough for the kenjah to hear it. "Yes it will be, Anna. It's going to be a lot worse than you'd think it will be." He replied. He gestured for his guards to disarm our soldiers and instructed us to sit in the jet and wait till we reached the home planet. "Just like always, do not try any tricks with me." the kenjah said, walking away from the jet. 

"What about the engines? The weapons, the missiles. SOMETHING!" I heard a soldier saying, whilst he argued with the pilot of the jet. "How many times should I tell you? The whole freaking system is dead. DEAD, end of story. Nothing is going to work no matter what we do." He replied. "How in god's name did they do this to us? I mean, how could they have done this to the jet?" Another soldier asked the pilot. "I have no idea. Probably some jacked up technology none of us know about." He replied. "What are we supposed to do till we reach the home planet?" A soldier asked the pilot. "I know nothing more than you do right now. It's better we catch some sleep. As weird as it sounds, we need to take a nap. We don't know what is going to come next. We need to rest." The pilot said to all the soldiers. "How can we sleep through this?" A soldier muttered. "Well, there is nothing productive to do other than that. Well, if you can't sleep, figure out ways to get us out of this mess." the pilot replied. 

"Well, there is nothing we can do, can we?" Anna asked me as we took our places. "Nope. And by the way, the pilot is right, we should catch some sleep. Nobody knows what is going to happen to them, especially the both of us. God knows what the kenjah has in mind for the both of us." I replied. After talking for a few minutes, Anna slowly drifted into her sleep as I watched out of the window, staring at darkness. Slowly, sleep caught up with me and I slipped into a dreamless sleep. 

"Wakey, wakey!" A soldier yelled, pointing his gun at me. I had one look out of the window from which there was bright light pouring in, sunlight. "Where are we?" I asked the soldier. "Photrox, the home planet." He replied. I looked over at Anna, who was still sleeping. I slowly woke her up and the two of us slowly made down the jet. The rest of the soldiers, who were with us, were already handcuffed and were being taken into a huge building surrounded by thirty feet walls on all the four sides. And the building was...huge. "What is this building?" I asked the guy standing right next to me. "The kenjah's palace." He replied. "That's huge." I said. "Wait till you have a look at the inside." He replied. "You've been here before?" I asked him. "I was stationed here before the war had begun as a part of the special security force for the previous kenjah." he replied. Before we had the chance to talk more, a group of kenjah's soldiers came over and started handcuffing us. "Take care, you two." The guy with whom I was talking to told me. "You too." I replied. "Unfortunately, you need it more than I do." He replied, just as the kenjah's men took him towards the palace. The group of men came over to me. "You're next." The guy with the gun told me. I showed him my hands which he handcuffed. They did the same to Anna and they started taking us to the entrance into the palace's territory. The security in the place was top notch with over a thousand soldiers guarding each side of the wall. We then passed through a state of the art security system and stepped inside the palace's territory. Man, the place was huge. There were towers on all the four sides of the main complex building. Before I could admire the building further, we were headed away from the palace and taken down an elevator. As soon as we got down the elevator, the main thing I observed were the holding cells. Rows and rows of holding cells. Anna and I were soon put into a holding cell, away from the rest of the soldiers from the jet.

"Everybody accounted for?" I heard the kenjah asking a man with a military uniform. "Yes sir, and the two humans have been kept in a separate holding cell away from the rest." He replied. "I would like to see them." The kenjah said. I soon saw him coming down the hallway and he stood right outside the holding cell, his hands crossed. "What are you going to do to us?" I asked him. "You'll know." He replied. "Fine, tell me the name of the spy." I asked him. "Why would I?" He asked me back. "Why wouldn't you? We are here in your holding cell. Afraid we would get the word out? You don't trust your security that much?" I asked him. "Well, okay. I'll tell you the name, but I doubt you'd be able to take it in." The kenjah replied. "Why? Is it someone we know?" I asked him, my heart beat rising. "Oh yes! You know him very well. Well, you have trusted your lives upon him." He said. "WHO IS IT?" I yelled at the kenjah, the suspense killing me.

"Calm down Konrad. The spy is none other than Montwik, the one leading the attack."


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-LPS21/ Rithvik.

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