Chapter 61 | Taking Back What's Ours

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"This is Warrior Three to Beta Four, do you copy?"

"This is Beta Four . We copy. Over."

"We are near your boundary and are seeking immediate escort. Over."

"Roger that. We got the orders. Sending in Alpha Nine through Alpha Thirteen as escort. Over."

"Roger that, Beta Four. Over and out."


I saw four planes approaching us from the distance. After a few minutes, I could see the Vortex-Crux livery on them and their jet names written on their sides.

"Crew, attention please. In a few minutes we will be entering airspace where there is heavy enemy presence. All personnel must be strapped to their seats. Over and out."

I saw as we zoomed past a huge ship with B4 written on its' side. Beta Four was assigned to maintain control and command near the Prometheus ships and was also authorized to issue and carry out any orders near its' vicinity.

"This is Beta Four, confirm escort jets have arrived."

"Warrior Three to Beta Four, escort jets have arrived. Thank you."

"Roger that. Beta One has requested to forward their message to you. They say that they are very close to getting permission from the Kenjah's forces for your entry into Prometheus One. They also have advised that in case of breakdown of talks, you will be required to turn around and head back to Beta One immediately."

"Roger that, Beta Four."

"Please be advised that Charlie Ten is in the vicinity sweeping the area and setting up mines. Please keep a look out. Beware of the mines."

"Roger that. Thanks for the info."

"All the best, Warrior Three. Beta Four, over and out."


We made our way towards Prometheus One without any kind of contact with the Kenjah's men. We saw Charlie Ten silently sweeping the place and planting the mines to trap the Kenjah's jets if necessary. It was about an hour before we started to slow down and we finally stopped. I could see two small white dots far away, which I presumed to be Prometheus One and Prometheus Three. There were several jets with the Kenjah Army's livery circling the area.

"Beta Four to Warrior Three, you have go ahead from Beta One. Proceed towards docking area thirty one on Prometheus One. Schematics have been sent to you. Please use manual docking procedure. Approach Prometheus One with extreme caution. Your escort cannot go any further. You are supposed to be escorted by Hunter Three and Hunter Four. They will take you to the docking area. You are also not allowed to fire upon them unless you are fired upon first."


What I saw as a small white dot soon became a huge ship with windows on its' sides. The ship was huge and you could see the signs of a struggle. There were a few portions of the ship where you could see the damage caused when the Kenjah's men fired on the ship. Prometheus Three, which was just a bit more far away, seemed to have suffered more damage than Prometheus One. We circled Prometheus One once and made our way to the docking port on the other side of the ship. We slowly moved closer towards the ship, preparing for docking. I could not see our escorts now, they presumably were above us. Finally, our jet made contact with Prometheus One and we waited for the pressure to equalize.

Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, the doors opened and we could see about ten soldiers wearing the Kenjah's Army's uniform standing there with weapons. Apart from them, I could also see five soldiers, wearing an outfit I have never seen before standing there, staring at us. They too had weapons but not the kind of weapons I saw till date. That's when I noticed that there was something written on their uniforms. It read "Human Peacekeeping Force". A soldier, who seemed like the leader of the peacekeeping force walked towards us and extended his hand. "It's an honor meeting you, Captain Rithvik. We are so glad to be able to have you here with us." He said, smiling.It was the first time in a long time we met another fellow human other than our crew and there was some sort of happiness which I couldn't explain."My name is Captain Aditya Patel. I have been sent by our head peacekeeper to welcome you on board Prometheus One." He said. "Welcome, Captain Reneesh. And this must be Captain Holder from the... other side." He continued. "Thank you, Captain Aditya." I replied, and so did Reneesh and Holder. For the first time, I began to notice the minute differences between the humans and the aliens. For one, most of them were taller than the humans. They had pointy eyes and ears and their fingers were unusually long too. "Drop all your weapons here." A soldier with the Kenjah's army ordered. The soldiers frisked us and they found the laser guns Montwik had given to Reneesh and I and confiscated them too. Soon, the frisking and the checks were done and we were allowed to go with Aditya, who informed that we were going to the head peacekeeper and that we then be addressing a public gathering, in which we would be addressing the whole of Prometheus One but it would be broadcast all across Prometheus Three as well.

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