🌹First Day of School, Oh Boy🌹

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"I'm all for following traditions and such, but there is such thing as being 'too much."

"I'm with Persian," Grim agreed.

"Yeah, I'll admit. Riddle can be a bit well. . . . Extra, when it comes to rules." Cater sighed.

'A bit?' Lia and Pikachu gave him a brow.

"You're telling me, but I gotta be honest, I don't have time with this ridiculous stuff. Do you know where Riddle is now? Is he here? I need to talk to him." Ace requested.

"He might, but. Are ya really sure you'd want to do that? You don't happen to have an 'apology tart on ya right now do you? Ya know, to replace the one you ate?" Cater asked.

"Um, no. I came here to apologize when I got here." Ace exclaimed.

"What does a new tart have to do with it?" Lia asked back.

"Ah, well, see, here's the deal. It's rule number 53, 'Stolen items must be replaced." Cater told them.

"This couldn't have been mentioned before?" Persian deadpanned.

"And since you don't have a new tart to compliance, I can't really let you guys in." Cater mentioned, making everyone look at him shocked.

"Wait what?!"

"Are you serious?!" Grim and Ace shouted.

"Yep! Sorry but, all dorm members must comply with the rules. If I just let you slide in, it's going to be off of my head next! Sooo, hate to say it Ace. But I'm gonna need ya to leave now before Riddle catches you. Thanks for your help though. ~" Cater said his expression making a complete one-eighty.

"Are. . . Are you kidding me?! G-guys! Do something!" Ace pleaded.

"What!? What do you expect us to do?!" Deuce jumped.

"Just, please help me out here! I can't use magic yet, hurry before he,"

But it was too late, Cater already started to use his magic. "Gotta be quicker than that!"

In a blink of an eye, Cater practically beat the two before they could even make a move.

"What the?!/Pika?!" Lia and Pikachu jumped.

"Did he use 'Double Team or something?! Cause I'm pretty sure they had him a few times!" Persian asked bewildered and shocked at the same time.

"It's nothing personal, but, rules are rules.~" Cater winked.

In a split second, Cater had each of the party and tossed out of the garden, (except Lia, she was kindly escorted out) right where they entered the dorm grounds.

"Sorry fella's, ya can't come back till you have that tart the next time I see ya here. M'kay? Kay! Bye-Bye~!" Cater turned around back to the gardens, as the gates slowly closed behind him.

"That was. . . . Unexpected." Lia breathed, as she let go of a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Okay, seriously!? Was he for real?! He could've just asked us out instead of literally throwing us out!" Ace scorned, more so then he did that morning.

"Aragh, was he using some sort of illusion magic or something? Cause the times we were able to hit him, he managed to bounce right back!" Deuce wondered.

"He must have been using some sort of trick to fool us or something." Grim thought.

"So, let me see if I got this right. We come all the way here to find out that we needed a replacement tart as an apology. But instead of telling us that first, that guy has us painting the stupid roses then makes us 'dance with him like fools before throwing us out without any remorse!?" Ace fumed.

A Very Twisted JourneyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ