~Stuck in a Loop~

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While the twins were headed to Lia's place to get the yummy berry shacks that she promised them. Hoopa suddenly appeared from his rings followed by Meloetta, the melody Pokémon.

This one was supposed to be like any other visit. That is until Hoopa's rings were hit with an unknown wave of energy, causing it to frits out, and become similar to a warp hole. It sucked up the twins and the two mythical Pokémon. When they finally came to, they found themselves in Twisted Wonderland.

"I think we ended up in the basement of this place." Matt guessed as he ended their story.

To say Lia was shocked and confused was an understatement. "Did you two try to go back with Hoopa's rings?"

"We did, and we went right back to the cottage. But when we went through the house to see if you were still out in the front yard, we ended up back in the room." Maddie told her.

"Then we tried to go back and leave through the gates of the property, but it had the same result." Matt finished.

Lia took a moment to think. "Hmmm, whatever magic the mirror used to send us here must have been what caused Hoopa's ring to act up like that. It released that wave of magic energy and clashed with the energy that powers Hoopa's rings-"

"Thus, resulting in becoming a warp hole and bringing the children here," Crowley finished Lia's sentence.

"Alright, we figured that out. But how do you explain the fact that they just come back here after returning to the cottage back in our world?" Persian questioned.

"The ghosts could not have taken part in this. Although they enjoyed playing tricks on others, they could not tamper with the magic beyond their abilities."

Lia thought about it. She theorized, "It might be possible that Hoopa's ring wasn't the only thing affected. Remember the security barrier that surrounds the entire property?"

Persian's eyes filled with dread, "Oh sweet Arceus, don't tell me..."

"Yep, the whole space dimension travel caused a dimension loop at the cottage. Pretty much trapping us and those back at the cottage in it."

"A-At least we can still go back to the cottage, right?" Maddie fidgeted.

"Yes, but the fact that you can't leave the cottage without coming back here is a huge problem. What if Sonia comes over and sees this? Not to mention how your parents are going to react."

Crowley took the opportunity to make a suggestion. "Would it be possible for us to travel through the little genie's ring?"


"I would like to see something if you don't mind."

Lia looked at her two Pokémon, who both shrugged at her. There was only one way to find out. "Alright, Hoopa, take us to the cottage please."

"Leave it to Hoopa! Ali Hoopa Ring!"

The 'Mischief Pokémon tossed one of his rings into the air and it suddenly became bigger, allowing everyone to walk in. The moment they were all on the other side, Mr. Crowley and Madame Eva were amazed that they were now not only in a different place but a different world. When they saw more of the Pokémon, some looked similar to regular animals they've seen, some looked like something out of stories, and others looked like inanimate objects.

As they looked around in the peaceful and homey-looking living room, Eva noticed a photograph portrait hanging above the fireplace. Her eyes widened at what she saw, in the portrait was a woman sitting in a chair with a small child in her lap. She of course assumed the child was Lia and the woman with the soft pink hair and kind blue eyes was obviously her mother. But what surprised her was the man who stood next to them.

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