🌹Lunchtime Lessons, An Apology Goes Wrong🌹

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It didn't take long for the student and his friend to gang up on Grim. Then, the guy that Grim bumped into looked at his lunch tray. "Aw Man! My Carbonara! You made the yolk break!"

'Is he serious?' Lia and her partners deadpanned.

Then his friend joined in, "Dang that's messed up. Poking the yolk is the best part of the meal."

"Hope your planning to fix this, you little runt! I know, I'm taking that grilled chicken of yours as compensation." Delinquent one smirked.

"Say what!? No way punk! This is my grub, you can't have it!" Grim retorted.

"You got a lot of guts talking to an upperclassman like that. How about we take this outside so I can teach you a lesson on respect!" Delinquent two growled.

"You two are seriously the most immature humans I've ever seen. You're making a big deal over some food, just go back to the lunch bar and get another one if you wanted to eat it your way so bad." Persian quipped in a huff.

"Not helping Persian." Lia glared at him.

"Wasn't trying to."

"You certainly got a mouth on you, hairball. You should be put on a tighter leash and placed outside like a good pet." Delinquent one hissed.

"Excuse me, Pet!?" Persian growled, getting ready to pounce on the boy.

Just then, Deuce walked in, seeing that Lia and the others were in trouble. "Hey, excuse me. But the school handbook, clearly states that fighting with magic outside of school staff supervision is prohibited." he pointed out, hoping to avoid unnecessary conflict.

"What's that? Who said anything about fighting? I'm just gonna remind the freshmen about respect!" Delinquent one proclaimed.

"Hey man, let's find out how many ways you cat skin a cat, plus another!" Delinquent two suggested smugly.

Upon hearing that, Lia had finally had it. Underestimating her just because she was a girl was one thing. But threatening to hurt her Pokémon and friends? Let's just say, claiming that she was mad is an understatement. "Deuce, could you please hold my trays for me?" She asked holding her food trays out to him.

"Um, alright,"

She went up to Grim and Persian and stood in front of the two delinquents. "Excuse me, but. You're not laying a finger on them."

"Or what?" Delinquent one asked in a mocking tone. "What are you going to do? Flutter those pretty eyes of yours and walk all over us?" he laughed.

"I'm giving you one last warning to walk away before this gets ugly." Lia hissed at him.

"And why should we listen to you? Just because you are a descendant of the greatest sorcerer who ever lived doesn't mean you can act like you rule the school." the other barked.

"Since coming here, never have I once acted like that. I don't need special privileges to beat some manners into your thick heads. To think that a high-privilege school would let some people like you two in when you're acting no better than a couple of whinnies, immature brats." Lia huffed, folding her arms.

Some of the students, who were watching the scene take place, made 'ooooo sounds as they all just saw the only girl in the said school burn two upperclassmen. The said delinquents were taken aback by her words and started to glare are her in anger.

"What did you call us?" Delinquent one growled.

"Are you hard of hearing? Alright then, I'll spell it out for you. You're ganging up on a fellow student just because he accidentally bumped into you. Instead of telling them to be more careful, you start complaining about something that's as ridiculous as a cracked egg. I mean, come on, it's an egg. You can still eat it, but no. You decided to use your status as an upperclassman to bully those you see as incapable, instead of being an example. If anything, you're the ones who are incapable. Can't you two see how pathetic that is? I've seen ten-year-olds act more adult than the two of you put together."

A Very Twisted JourneyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin