Mathew (Matt) Magnolia

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EVO: Rhys Huber

JVO: Motoko Kumai

Despite being one of the youngest 'Teacher assistants at NRC, Matt is quite a genius, from making little gadgets to creating his own videogame. He's also quite knowledgeable in Pokémon and outdoor exploration and takes great pride in them, but even with all that, he still wants to learn more. He's not as energetic as his twin sister, but he can be quite moody as she can. Should anyone make fun of him, he'll gladly help his sister on pulling pranks. They're not called the 'Rascals of Galor for nothing after all. 

Even though Matt is a proud brainiac, he's still a child. He can be a bit sensitive in certain situations to the point he'll start crying. And when that happens, you better be prepared when his sister comes at you.

Grade: TA/ Birthdate: 6.10/ Height: 101cm (3'4)/ Age: 6 (older by five minutes)

"I've kept track, and you're not even close to passing. When looking at the pretests, even I could do them. Ethier, you're not really trying, or you're just really stupid."

Pokémon: (Lia holds onto their Pokéballs till Matt's of age)

- Helioptile (electric/normal) (Male)

- Jolteon (electric) (Female)

- Golett (ground/ghost) (Male)

- Noibat (flying/dragon) (Male)

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