𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐞 (𝟏)

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The day of homecoming!

Gwen and Finn show up at my house. "AAAAAAA", Gwen screeches excitedly and runs inside my house, jumping up and down. "Gwen calm down it's not that big a dea-", "UGH FINN DON'T YOU DARE THROW SHADE ON OUR NIGHT!", I shout an an angrily-joking voice and we rush up to my room. "So y/n what are you wearing?", Gwen asks. "It's nothing just....", I say and pull the dress out of my drawer.

", I say and pull the dress out of my drawer

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"OMG!", Gwen screams. "Your gonna look a-ma-zing!". "I don't really like dresses so this is the only semi - comfy one i could find", I chuckle. "robin's gonna loose his shit when he sees you in that", Finn chuckles as Gwen and I stare at him. "In a good way of course!", He adds and we chuckle. "Gwen what are you wearing!?", I ask invasively. "Wait you're gonna love this....", She says and grabs her dress and pulls it vigorously out of her bag.

"AAAA GWEN YOU'RE GONNA LOOK FANTASTIC", I say jumping up and down in excitement holding her hand

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"AAAA GWEN YOU'RE GONNA LOOK FANTASTIC", I say jumping up and down in excitement holding her hand. "Yeah, yeah we getttt ittttt you're both gonna look great can we please just get ready the event begins in 2 hours", Finn says, bored. "2 HOURS!", Gwen and I say in sync and in shock. "Yeah it's 5 and it begins at 7", Finn explains. "ITS 5PM!", Gwen and I say in sync again. "Yeah?", Finn say confusedly at the fact we don't even know the time. "Ok so Gwen what makeup are you gonna do?", I ask brushing off the whole time situation. "So I was thinking maybe a yellow- orangey smokey eye to go with the dress", She says in a beauty guru voice and uses the funniest hand movements. "Uggggggggh", Finney complains. 

Mine and Gwen's makeup is finished.

"Wow girls you look great!", Finn says enthusiastically. "Now he compliments us", Gwen says and looks over at me. "Ok now time for hair, I'm doing yours", Gwen says and spins my chair around for me to sit in it. "Theres more!?", Finn complains. "I could do your bird's nest if you like", Gwen says rudely. "Ugh, first of all RUDE and second of all that won't be necessary", Finn jokes and crosses arms (in a jokey way). "So y/n what do you want for your hair?", She asks like a hair stylist. "I don't know, something that will impress Robin..... i guess", I say unsurely. "ERM EXCUSE ME THIS IS ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT NOT WHAT SOME STUPID BOY WANTS!", Gwen lashes out. "Sorry I will try to remain calm at your next appointment", She chuckles. "Anyway.... I don't really know so just something that will go with my makeup and outfit", I say. "Ok, You're gonna look great!", She says and spins the chair back around to face my desk and mirror.

"Ok it's done!", She says and brings a handheld mirror so i can see the back.

If you have curly hair:

and if you have straight hair:

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and if you have straight hair:

( I tried to find similar ones but i just rly liked these 2)

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( I tried to find similar ones but i just rly liked these 2)

"GWEN HOLY SHIT YOU DID AN AMAZING JOB!", I say in shock. "Well These hands do wonders", Gwen smirks and looks at her hands. "GWEN!", Finn and I shout at her because of our pure dirty - mindedness and we all burst out laughing. "Y/n when's Robin picking us up, im boreddddd", Finn complains. "He's coming in like 2 minutes why aren't you dressed!?", I ask. "I am!", He says and points to his outffit:

"Oh cool", I say trying not to make it obvious that I don't like his outfit

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"Oh cool", I say trying not to make it obvious that I don't like his outfit.

Knock, Knock

"Robin's here!", I shout and we all get our stuff and run down the stairs to see him at the door with a bouquet of flowers. "You look so ho-, I mean you look fantastic. These are for you", Robin greets, hands me the bouquet and kisses my hand. "Well hello to you too", Gwen says sarcastically and walk out the door, linking arms with finn. I shut the door and we walk to school. "Guys there's Suzie i'm gonna walk with her, BYE!", She says and shouts the last bit as shes already ran away from us. "Yeah me too, look theres donna. Bye guys see you there!", Finn says and runs across the road to meet Donna. "Well I guess i's just us two then", Robin says and puts his arm around my waist. "I guess so", I say and put my arm in his back pocket. 

@ The school

"Hey Guys", Gwen says running over with, Donna, Finn and Suzie. "Hey!", Robin and I say. "Let's go dance!", Gwen suggests but suddenly a slow song comes on..... "I think we should leave the couples to dance suze", Gwen chuckles and walks away with suzie to the food stalls. I put my arms on Robin's shoulders as he puts his hands on my waist and we begin to slowly move to the music. "You really do look amazing", Robin says. "You too!", I say. "I'm so glad I get to do this with you", He says. "I've always planned it to be like this. "Planned?", I ask. "Well yeah, When I was younger i used to always imagine I'd be here doing this with you", He says shyly. "Awh cute!", I say and gaze into his tawny eyes. "I love you Y/n", Robin says and admires my lips......

Robin's pov:

I've finally got a girlfriend and she's the bomb! 🫶  ( and i love her ofc)

𝐑𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐀𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 ~ 𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞Where stories live. Discover now