Chapter Fifty-Three

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The Royal Hunting Lodge

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The Royal Hunting Lodge

Sophie Reese



The sky had turned a lovely soft pink hue as the morning sun rose from the mountains to reveal the splendour of the royal lodge. I stared at its many windows and thought about the lovely warm cosy bed waiting for me inside.

The driveway curved to the front of the building, where a team of servants waited for the car's arrival. I looked down at my clothes, torn and bloodied and sank into my seat.

"Could we go in through a side entrance?" I asked.

"You're the Queen, and this is your home. So we go through the front door," Nico replied.

"But I'm covered in demon fluids, blood, dirt and ash," I groaned.

The servants were going to wonder what I'd been up to again.

Nico patted my leg and said, "They'll be intrigued. Most of them have served Queens and Princesses in the past, but none have served a demon-slaying Queen. I'm sure it will be a refreshing change for them."

I eyed the long line of servants standing on the frosty steps in pristine black and gold uniforms. Their eyes looked straight ahead at nothing in imparticular. I wondered how many of them knew the Lady in Green. How many had been plucked from the brothels and silver taverns to feed her blood magic?

"We'll need to interview all the servants," I said softly. "I imagine the Lady in Green will be planning another sacrifice soon."

"Let me handle the servants. I have a gift for squeezing the truth out of others," he said, tightening his fist.

The SUV came to stand still outside the stone steps that led up to the grand entrance of the royal hunting lodge. An armed guard was waiting on the bottom step and opened my passenger door. His eyes widened when he saw me, covered in blood, sweat and ash.

"Move out the way, Corporal," Nico ground out through his teeth.

The Corporal's attention shifted to Nico, and he quickly dipped his head in apology, then stepped back.

I climbed out of the SUV and briefly turned away from the lodge towards the forest. My eyes scanned the tree line for a flash of a green cloak, a clawed hand, or pair of inhuman eyes staring back at me.

"Your Majesty?" Nico called to me, ensuring to use my proper title in front of the guards and servants.

I looked back at him and saw that everyone was watching me. Nico offered me his arm, and I took it. He led me up the steps and through the great doors of the lodge.

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