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3rd Person POV:

They both stared at the photo, not saying anything.

It showed Taehyung on Jungkook's lap, both holding a passionate kiss. They were both smiling into the kiss. They looked happy.

They stared at the picture, both not knowing how to react. Suddenly, Jungkook starts to frantically look around. He started to search the drawers and closet doors for something.

"Jungkook? What does this mean? What are you doing?" Taehyung asked, feeling nervous and on edge.

Jungkook pulled out a phone, a very futuristic phone. It was sleeker than the chunky phones they had. He turned it on and his face showed so much stress and confusion.

"Jungkook? What is it?" Taehyung asked.

"Taehyung, the rings didn't make us grow up. They sent us into the future." Jungkook said slowly. His own hands starting to shake just like Taehyungs.

"What?" Taehyung whispered out, not believing his own ears.

Taehyung knelt down and tucked his head between his knees.

"Wake up, Taehyung!" He started to chant to himself, hitting his head in the process.

Jungkook looked over at him in worry. He rushed down in front of him.

"Taehyung, stop. It's okay, don't hurt yourself." Jungkook said as he held Taehyungs hands again.

"What the fuck do we do, Jungkook?!?" Taehyung almost shouted, tears streaming down his face.

"We both need to calm down before we do anything. We're both confused but we will figure this out." Jungkook said, pulling Taehyungs shaking body onto his own.

Taehyung curled into his lap and tried to slow his breathing.

"So.. we're in the future..?" Taehyung asked slowly.

Jungkook pulled away from Taehyung and grabbed the phone again to check the date.

"It's 2035, Taehyung." Jungkook said as he showed him the screen.

"Is this my phone?" Jungkook asked, seeing the wallpaper was a photo of himself.

"Not sure, but you're on the background." Taehyung said.

They opened the phone that surprisingly didn't have a password.

"Hubby?" Taehyung read out before pressing the contact.

It was a photo of Jungkook on the profile.

They shared a look of confusion before Taehyung went to the photos. It was full of Jungkook and the two girls from the photos on the wall. The photos were taken of Jungkook which meant he didn't take them.

"I think this is your phone.." Jungkook said.

They saw more pictures of them kissing and laying together. They really did look happy.

Taehyung went back to contacts and hit the call button for "Hubby" and they heard a song start to play from the other side of the bed. Jungkook got up to grab the other phone.

Jungkook saw the phone show an incoming call from "Wifey" as a picture of Taehyung was displayed and he put everything together.

"Taehyung... I think we're married." Jungkook said as he showed Taehyung the phone screen.

Taehyung saw his picture under "Wifey" and he figured it out as well.

"We are married?" Taehyung asked, so confused.

"This ones background is you." Jungkook said as he declined the call from "Wifey."

They sat in silence letting the new information sink in.

"The rings, where did you put them?" Taehyung asked.

"On the desk." Jungkook said before getting up to grab them.

"These brought us here, they can probably get us back. We need to keep them on. If we lose them we might never go back home." Taehyung said as he pushed his Eomma's ring back on his finger.

"Are you sure you're okay with me wearing it?" Jungkook asked.

"That one doesn't fit me. It fits you, just keep it safe." Taehyung said with a sigh.

"So we are in the future. We are married.... and this must be our bedroom." Taehyung pieced together.

"Should we go look around?" Jungkook said as he looked at the bedroom door.

"Yes." Taehyung responded before getting up and walking toward the door.

Jungkook pulled the door open slowly and they both looked out into the hallway.

The hall was long and full of doors. They walked to the next door, opening it slowly to reveal what looked like a children's bedroom. There were two small beds and toys everywhere. Small drawers and the room was colored a purple and blue theme. It was cute.

They walked in and looked around.

"Those two girls.. in all the pictures. Are they our.... kids?" Jungkook asked.

"I think so." Taehyung said.

Taehyung ran his hands along the side of the bed frame looking at the small clothes and accessories that lay across the floor.

They continued to look around the house, learning the two girls names were "Jeon Aerum" and "Jeon Miso." They also found papers signed to a "Jeon Taehyung" which sealed the deal that they were married in the future.

Taehyung looked around the living room with loving eyes. Their home was beautiful. It was cozy and warm and had enough stuff to make it look "homey" but not cluttered. He loved it.

Taehyung was lost in thought that he didn't hear the knock on the front door.

"Taehyung! Someone's here!" Jungkook whisper shouted as he walked into the living room.

"What?" Taehyung asked.

"C'mon, lets see who it is." Jungkook said.

They both slowly walked to the door, Taehyung stood behind Jungkook. Jungkook turned the knob and opened it. They were not expecting to see a squishy faced, small handed male standing their with Hoseok's arm around his waist.


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