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Taehyung POV:

I noticed Jungkook in deep thought when we sat down outside. He was spacing out a lot and wasn't paying attention to anything Aerum was saying. He had the same look on his face as the night we were trying to pack.

He didn't respond when I asked him what was wrong which gave me the idea that he was probably going to pass out again.

I got him to the room without the others suspecting anything, surprisingly.

When he finally passed out, I didn't panic. I knew what was happening and I knew how to handle it better this time, but now that I know why, it hurts my heart.

I don't know what made him so anxious, I thought the day was going well. Maybe, Miso getting scared triggered a string of thoughts in his head? I'm not sure, but this time, all I know is that I really want to take his nerves away. Last time I was worried he would be going back home and I would be stuck in the future... alone. But now I just want him to be ok.

The change of feelings was new to me and I didn't know how to feel about it. I know, day by day, very slowly, Jungkook is making me fall for him. I already understood why I might've married him, but now I can feel it too.

At first, it scared me, but now I just want us both to go back home together so we can play out our lives the way they are supposed to go... together. If this is our result, why would I want something else?

I stared at his sleeping figure and brushed his hair from his face. The comforting gesture made the frown in his eyebrows relax.

I stared at his relaxed face, feeling the urge to kiss him flow through me again.

I knew I shouldn't, but it might ease my mind a bit. I bent down and gently kissed his forehead, letting my lips linger there for a little. I moved my face to press my forehead to his for a moment before sitting back up.

He looked alright, but my worries were still there.

Letting out a small sigh, I stood up and walked back outside to help with my children while Jungkook rests.

~Time Skip~

"Taehyung? Can we talk?" Jimin asked me as we all were sat around the living room.

Jungkook was still passed out, we had just finished eating, and the girls were watching a movie while they waited for the bedtime to come.

"Of course, Chim." I said. Jimin was still the same wonderful human being as he is in high school. He's still my soulmate and he is still easy to talk to.

We walked out on the deck, Jimin grabbed two glasses of wine and handed one to me as we sat down. I took it with a fake smile as I smelled the bitter liquid.

I noted how he slowly took small sips, so I brought the glass to my lips as well. I tilted it to make the wine just barely touch them, not letting any of it actually into my mouth.

"I just want to talk to you about you and Jungkook." He started. My stomach dropped a little as he stared at my reaction. I kept a calm face and acted confused.

"What about me and Jungkook?" I asked.

He set down his wine glass.

"Me and the others have noticed you two acting sort of... strange?" He said slowly.

"Strange? How so?" I asked, acting oblivious.

"Well are you guys having problems? It's fine if you are Taehyung. You can tell me the truth." He said.

I thought for a moment, only staring at him. I couldn't say the truth, he wouldn't believe me if I tried. I can't say we are, then it would make it a bigger deal.

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