The Plot Thickens

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The battles in all of the groups have started and the battles become harder and harder as time goes on.

[In the Dragon Group]

Karma: "Ability Activate Lava Spear."

Kiyotaka: "Ability Activate Shadow Dragon Roar."

Both attacks land their opponent's Bakugan with massive blows.

Both Bakugan return back into ball form

And their opponent's life force goes to 0

Announcers: "The winners are Karma Akabane & Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. They are the first team to advance to the top 4 in the Dragon Group."

Yuki:" No surprise there, it's a guarantee those two will be reaching the finals."

Yuuji:" Yeah, but I'm more interested in who else will be joining them in the dragon group."

Ryuen:" Ability Activate Maximum Quasar."

Helios shoots out a massive Fire Blast from his mouth, hitting his opponent's Bakugan.

Both Bakugan returns back into ball form.

And their opponent's life force goes to 0

Announcer: "The winners who advance to the next round are Ryuen Kakeru and Kushida Kikyo."

"When are we going to actually have a challenge?" Helios Asked

Ryuen:" Kuku just has a couple more rounds and then we get to fight those too."

Yuuji:" Looks like they're in the running as well."

Yuki:" Yep, things are getting interesting around here."

[Horse Group]

Ibuki: "Here goes Linehalt... Ability Activate Dark Saber."

The opponent Bakugan loses 300Gs

Linehalt slashes one of the enemy's Bakugan.

The opponent's Bakugan goes back into ball form

Sudo: "Ability Activate Destroy Horn."

The opponent Bakugan loses 400Gs

From his horns, Sabator shoots out orange lighting hitting the opponent.

The opponent's Bakugan goes back into ball form

Both opponent's Life Force goes to 0

Announcer: "The battle is over the winners who will advance to the next round are Ibuki Mio and Sudo Ken."

Sudo:" Seriously next time don't get in my way. Linehalt took damage from your last attack."

Sudo: "Shut up, your last attack stunned Sabator and you knew he was right there."

"Will these two ever shut up?" Sabator Asked

Linehalt: "I don't think so sadly."

Announcer:" Well folks another battle has ended."

Sudo & Ibuki: "Hmm?"

Announcer: Koenji and Mei have qualified for the next round.

Koenji: "HA HA HA of course with a perfect existence such as myself we'll obviously obtain victory."

Mei: "Koenji-Kun we have to leave the next team is up."

Sudo: "Tch... I can't wait to knock that smile from his face."

Ibuki: "For once we agree on something."

Katsuragi: "Ability Activate Bolting Blow."

Hirata: "Ability Activate Sparkling Arrow."

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