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The view from our balcony was amazing. I was able to see far off, I could see almost the whole campus. It was peaceful to just sit out here. I could hear the tapping of Wednesday's typewriter through the thin glass. It was my fault. I had left the small section of the window open allowing her insistent clicking to mock me. Holding my hands out in front of me I watched as the electricity zapped and jumped between my palms. The tingling feeling traveled through my arms like pulses. I like my magic. It gave me another thing to relate to my father about. Growing up Gomez had tried to tell me everything and anything he could remember about his brother. 

He had pictures of them together with girls, fighting each other, attempting to murder each other. All the normal family memories. Although he never told me, my father had electrokinesis. Well. I have electrokinesis, my father can create shock charged with his electricity. An interesting trick he has shown me was with a lightbulb. He was able to put the metal part between his teeth and the bulb would light up. That was one of the ways he bonded with me when we first officially met. It didn't take long though.

"I knew it!" I dropped my hands into my lap. What was she doing now? Sighing I slid my legs over the balcony railing and moved back towards the window. I heard her muffled voice as she said something else. Pressing my hand to the glass, the window gave allowing me to slip back into the room.

"What are you doing?" I asked. Wednesday turned showing me a hand. "Thing." 

"I could do this all day." She sighed. I smiled moving towards them, Wednesday slammed him down on the table. He wasn't here to visit, Gomez sent him. "Surrender?" She asked and thing tapped his fingertips on the desk frantically. She turned the lamp putting him directed in the light. "Mother and father sent you here didn't they?" She asked. I placed my hands on the desk near Thing leaning towards him. I missed Thing. Although he was made at my father for a failed heist, he still spoke with me. Thing moved his finger in the air. "I am not above breaking a few fingers." Wednesday tilted her head.

"Thing let's just start off honest and we can all survive," I advised, he turned to me for a moment moving back towards Wednesday.

"That they thought I wouldn't find out proves how much they underestimate me." I opened my mouth to speak, but Thing started singing before I could get any words out. He said that they care about her and are worried. They probably were, but that has never been a common thing throughout the family. 

"Oh, Thing, you poor, naive appendage. My parents are worried about me. They are evil puppeteers who want to pull my strings even from afar." Thing turned to me looking for assistance, but no matter what I said she wasn't going to listen to me. "The way I see it you have two options."

"Maybe let's-" I attempted to compromise, but it was a failed one. 

"Option one." She spoke over me. "I lock you in here for the rest of the semester." She said yanking open the drawer to her desk. I sighed pushing myself away from the table. Thing would come around. He always folded. "And you go slowly insane trying to claw your way out," Thing reached out his nails dragging across the wood top leaving scratch marks. I winced at the scraping noise. "Ruining your nails and smooth, supple skin." She cooed. "And we both know how vain you are. And option two," She shut the drawer letting Thing back up onto the table. "You pledge your undying loyalty to me."

"To us." I corrected stepping behind her. I wouldn't be the one torturing Thing, but I was going to be getting something out of this. Thing hesitated, but eventually, he caved lowing his fingers down and giving us a bow.

"Our first order of business is to escape this teenage purgatory," Wednesday added.

"I kind of like this purgatory," I whispered, but she didn't seem to hear me so I just turned around moving toward my bed. The tap of Thing's fingers against the wood told me he wandered about a plan. "Of course, I have a plan." She smirked. I sighed sitting down on my bed. "And it begins now." Her head slowly turned to me.

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