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I laughed slightly when I felt them tie my hands. They were loose. Not loose enough to fall off my wrist but loose enough that I could escape in a few seconds max. I blinked when the bag was taken off my head. The people standing around us were hidden under cloaks. They had a projector flashing images at me, probably trying to keep me from seeing their faces.

"Who dare breach our inner sanctum?" A female voice said. I don't know how they attempted to alter their voices, but it was obvious it was Bianca.

"You can take the mask off Bianca," Wednesday told her. I just leaned back in the chair with a smile on my face. Around the circle one by one they all revealed who they were. Ajax, Yoko, Divina, Kent and Xavier. Rowan would have been here as well if he weren't dead or gone. Whatever he was. Bianca turned off the projector allowing me to properly see their faces.

"Weird, I preferred you with it on." Wednesday snapped.

"How did you get down here?" Xavier asked glancing at the two of us.

"Rowan showed me. Left pocket." Wednesday answered. Xavier looked at the others before pulling the drawing out of her pocket. "We tracked the watermark to the Poe statue."

"Then she solved the riddle," I added.

"Wait, there's a riddle?" Kent asked looking at the others. "I thought we just snapped twice." A unanimous sigh went around the room.

"Well, aren't you the brightest of the bunch?" Wednesday sassed. I think this was the most confrontation I have ever seen her.

"How is he even a part of this?" I asked looking at Kent. The poor boy didn't even realize there was a riddle to get into their secret society.

"The nightshades are an elite social club. Emphasis on elite." Bianca explained.

"Oh, I can tell just how elite you are," I smirked at Kent, but he looked away from me.

"We have rooftop parties, campouts, and the occasional midnight skinny dip," Yoko smirked at Divina.

"And Yoko is an amateur mixologist." She smirked at us. Elite. Yes, that is exactly how I would have described this group of teens.

"She makes a killer virgin mojito. It can get pretty wild." Ajax bragged.

"Wow. Do you guys even have a bedtime?" Their smiles dropped. "Last I heard the Nightshades had been disbanded."

"Yeah, the group kind of lost its charter 30 years ago after some normie kid died," Xavier explained, but he wasn't looking at us. Instead, she was glancing around the group. Did they kill the normie kid?

"But we have a lot of wealthy alumni, so Weems looks the other way as long as nobody makes any waves," Yoko explained. Her fangs showed as she spoke. I have never actually spoken to a vampire before.

"Someone like Rowan?" Wednesday asked suddenly.

"We booted that loser last semester." Bianca furrowed her brows. "Question is what are we going to do with you two?"

"Hmm, I don't know." I slid forward in the seat slowly wrapping the rope around my fingers.

"Only members are allowed in this library." Bianca finished. Once I finished wrapping the rope in a bundle, I tossed it onto the floor. The wad lay just over the skull of the Nightshades symbol.

"I say we invite them to pledge?" Xavier added.

"What?" Several of the students muttered.

"Wednesday is a legacy." He pointed to the picture of Morticia and Gomez. "Branwen is a close relative."

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