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We ended up at Tyler's house. I begged to be brought back to the academy so I could take care of my wound properly, but they refused. So here I was, sitting at his kitchen table in pain. The hole in my leg was healing, but slowly. My arm and shoulder are no better. Tyler had his shirt wide open, as Wednesday put several butterfly bandages across his chest. Xavier tightened his grip on my hand. I looked over at him, his eyebrows were drawn together. 

"Are you okay?" This was the eighteenth time he has asked that since we got to Tyler's house. It has been maybe seven minutes. I just laid my head down on his shoulder.

"Nope." I breathed.

"What happened?" Wednesday asked for the third time. She was finishing up applying first aid to Tyler.

"I want to know how you got past me?" I asked staring at Tyler. He furrowed his brows.

"What do you mean?" He asked me.

"I was in the hallway, that was the only other way for you to get to the front door. How did you get past me?" I asked once more. Lifting my head from Xavier's shoulder, I focused on the boy.

"I went around the house, you had the monster handled so I was going to find the girls." He added. I furrowed my brows staring at him. He could have moved while I was attacking the creature.

"Did you see anyone?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"No, it was just the monster." He told me.

"Why?" Enid asked. I looked down at my leg once more the puncture hole in my leg.

"Someone stopped me from killing it," I muttered. Wednesday paused standing up. 

"No one else was there." Tyler shook his head. I nodded.

"Someone hit me in the head and then stabbed me with a syringe." I defended. Wednesday just looked between Tyler and me. Did she think I was just making shit up?

"I didn't see anyone." Tyler sighed touching his chest once more.

"You did hit your head?" I heard Enid add.

"So I stabbed myself in the leg with a syringe?" I sassed, nodding. "Sounds right." 

"You didn't stab yourself," Wednesday added. "You probably just were thrown onto something." Was she joking with me right now? I laughed a little leaning back in the chair, Xavier tried to get me to look at him by squeezing my hand again, but I just pulled it away from him crossing my arms. No one believed me. "What I want to know is where you came from?" Wednesday asked staring at Xavier. 

"I went to talk to Branwen, but you weren't there. Thing told me that you went to the Gates mansion." He explained. 

"Convenient that you showed up just after the monster disappeared." She countered staring at him. He just scoffed shaking his head.

"You are unbelievable." He breathed.

"Enough, Xavier didn't do shit. Someone is working with the monster. Whoever it is?" I drew the attention back towards myself. Wednesday was just going to keep accusing Xavier and it was pissing me off. More than her not believing me.

"Not to make this about me, but I am having a full-blown panic attack right now." Enid breathed her eyes staring off at the other end of the room blankly. "We need to get back Weems realizes we've been gone." I heard the door open behind me. I didn't have to turn around to know it was Sheriff Galpin.

"What the hell happened? This was you, wasn't it?" The Sheriff stepped forward moving towards Wednesday. 

"Wait, Dad, please. I'm okay." Tyler stood up, between Wednesday and his father. 

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