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"The quid pro quo for Sheriff Galpin not pressing charges was your immediate expulsion from Nevermore." I pursed my lips nodding slightly. Of course. On the bright side, it would be easier for me to break him out. Wednesday is still consumed with her prophecy picture, so while she makes a mess I can get to him. 

"The others had nothing to do with this," Wednesday argued. I blinked a few times. Did she just protect the others? Wednesday Addams defended other people. Wow, maybe she did learn a few things from being here. "We acted alone." Weems just sighed looking into the raging fire she always had blazing.

"For someone who claims to have no friends, you certainly protect them." Weems glanced at her once more. 

"They didn't have the guts to do what was necessary." I sighed dropping my arms. I wanted to go back to Xavier's room and grab a few things before I left. Who knows what his father would do with them?

"You mean kidnapping and torture? I should hope not." Weems hissed. I was done arguing with short-sighted adults. 

"You do realize that Tyler brutally disemboweled six people, then harvested a variety of their body parts." Weems sat forward.

"Perhaps you would have come to me with your suspicions rather than take matters into your own hands, we could've worked something out." Her face was pinched as she contained her anger. It was amusing.

"That's bullshit. Every time we have come to you with something you brush it off until it shows up on your doorstep." I shook my head watching as she clenched her hands on her desk.

"Trust and Cooperation have always been hallmarks of our relationship," Wednesday spoke at the same time I did. Our words ran together. Weems chuckled warily as she tilted her head.

"I admire your ability to be your own person and trust your own instincts. But it also makes you impatient," She looked at me. "And impulsive." She looked to Wednesday. "Your actions have put me and the school in an impossible position."

"Tyler is the hyde. He framed Xavier. He confessed everything to me!" She yelled. That wasn't going to do us much good since we kidnapped and tortured him. We weren't reliable. We had to have undeniable evidence that everyone can see. We can't just take this to the Sheriff anymore.

"I wish I could believe you." Weems let out a long breath. Her silent rage had faded. The disappointment was starting to appear. 

"His mother was an outcast. She was a student here, you must remember her. She was a hyde!" Wednesday was trying anything to convince Weems. 

"Yes, Francios. A lovely woman. I didn't ask what she identified as." Weems shook her head.

"Give me more time, and I can prove they are hydes." Wednesday was leaning over her desk now.

"There is no more time, and there are no more deals, Wednesday," Weems uttered. I had already accepted the fact that we were expelled. I have begun to move onto my second plan of action since the Sheriff would cover everything up, I was just going to break Xavier out when they move him to a more secure prison. "Pack your steamer trunks. We will have them shipped. And say your goodbyes. You'll be on the afternoon train tomorrow. I'm sorry Nevermore didn't work out for you girls. I'm sure Morticia will be very disappointed. And so am I." Wednesday moved walking out of the room. The sad part is that we did fit in here. It did work for a while until we were wrapped in this murder mystery. I just nodded leaving her alone. Once the doors closed Wednesday was waiting for me

"Do you want to go?" She asked me. I paused my descent down the staircase.

"Uh, where?" I asked her.

"To see Xavier, you can take out the cameras while Thing distracts the guards." She looked around quickly. I didn't smile. Not in front of her. She was one of the reasons he was in there. Instead, I nodded moving after her. I was going to see him before I "left" Jericho, but this was better.

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