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"I thought you were supposed to be in Pilgrim World," Xavier asked looking behind the wall. He came back up to the counter leaning on the edge.

"I left while my sanity was still intact." Wednesday appeared from around the corner. She must have come through the side door. She was completely changed as well.

"Want a coffee?" I asked her. She stopped standing in front of the bell.

"It's one of the many perks of this wonderful assignment," Xavier smirked at me. I just shook my head, trying to avoid eye contact with him.

"I'm actually here for Tyler." She turned to me, "And you."

"Why and where?" I asked her. At least I had reason to leave now.

"I told you Tyler was bad news." Xavier looked from Wednesday to me. I just shrugged and walked around the table.

"Twice. But who I speak to is my business." She rang the bell.

"Where are we going?" I asked her, as I quickly untied my apron.

"You rang?" Tyler said coming out of the back room. I don't know what he was back there for so long for if he wasn't on the phone. Xavier sighed stepping towards me. "You want the usual?" I heard Tyler ask Wednesday.

"Are you really going to leave?" He whispered. I looked over to Wednesday who had unfolded a map and placed it on the table. Tyler leaned over pointing to something on the map. Either stay here with Xavier or go on Wednesday.

"But, uh, look it's kinda sketchy," Tyler added giving Wednesday a worried look. "Squatters and Meth heads use that place as a crash pad. My dad has it cleared out every couple of weeks. What's this about?" He asked.

"Nothing." Wednesday folded up the map. She glanced over her shoulder at me. "Go get dressed we are leaving." She told me. I sighed turning back to Xavier who had a blank expression. "You have two minutes Branwen." She added.

"Sorry." I breathed taking the apron off as I hurried towards the back room. Once the door was shut I started yanking off my clothes and slipping into my uniform once again. I slid my blazer on and folded up the work uniform. Pushing the door open I saw Tyler still talking to her, probably the only reason she didn't leave me.

"I could take you this afternoon. My shift ends at 2." Tyler offered.

"Principal Weems would hang, draw, and quarter me if I miss the big statue dedication. And as enticing as that sounds I would like to keep a low profile. Besides, I know my way around the great outdoors and I have Branwen if I run into any trouble." She gestured behind Tyler where I was standing.

"Don't tell me you were a girl scout?" He asked Wednesday.

"I could eat girl scouts for breakfast. Her father went to prison for that once." She pointed to me. I smirked at the confusion that crossed his face.

"She isn't kidding either," I added. Wednesday turned heading for the front door, so I followed after her. I still didn't have a clue where we were going and why? Xavier watched as I passed him. I tried to keep my head low to avoid him saying anything once more.

"Not even a bye?" I heard him ask. I sighed putting my hand on the door as Wednesday hurried across the street.

"I will see you later at the dedication ceremony," I explained, he clenched his jaw before turning his back on me. Moving out the door, I slid my hands into my pockets refusing to let his sour mood affect me. I did not care.


The sky darkened almost as soon as we entered the forest. It looked beautiful. It was definitely going to rain soon. Maybe it would cancel the dedication ceremony.

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