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Rose and I walk out of the wardrobe and make our way to the console room.

She does a drumroll, "Introducing; Abby."

I walk out of the hallway and Rose cheers.

I brush my hair out my face and stare at the Doctor, waiting for a reaction.

"You look lovely!" He grins.

I smile, pulling Rose toward him.

He puts a cd in the player and 'Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick' by Ian Dury and the Blockheads blares out, "Ian Dury and the Blockheads. Number One in 1979."

"You're a Punk!" Rose laughs.

The Doctor sings along, "It's good to be a lunatic..."

"That's what you are. A big old Punk with a bit Rockabilly thrown in." I laugh.

"Would you like to see him?" He asks.

"In concert?" Rose asks.

"What else is the Tardis for?" He asks.

We all do a little dance around the console.

"I can take you to the Battle of Trafalgar... the first anti-gravity Olympics... Caesar crossing the Rubicon... or... Ian Dury at the Top Rank, Sheffield, England, Earth, 21st November 1979. What do you think?"

Rose and I share a look, "Sheffield it is!"

"Hold on tight." He pulls a lever and we all lurch forward.

He whacks the console with a hammer to the beat of the music, shouting.


The movement stops and we all fall to the floor, laughing our heads off.

The Doctor stands up, "1979. Hell of a year!" He pulls me up.

Rose gets up and we all bound toward the door.

He grabs his jacket, "China invades Vietnam... The Muppet Movie! Love that film. Margaret Thatcher... urgh... Skylab falls to Earth... with a little help from me... nearly took off my thumb."

We step out the doors, and are faced with Scottish soldiers holding guns in our face.

We all put our hands up.

The Doctor seems to realize what year it actually is, "1879. Same difference."

"You will explain your presence. And the nakedness of this girl."

Rose looks down at herself.

The Doctor puts on a Scottish accent, "Are we in Scotland?"

"How can you be ignorant of that?"

"Oh, I'm... I'm dazed and confused, as I often am around my wife." He pulls me closer, wrapping an arm around my waist, "We've been chasing this... this wee naked child over hill and over dale. In't that right, ya... timorous beastie?"

Rose does a horrible Scottish accent, "Ooch, aye! I've been oot and aboot."

I stare at her, "Don't fucking do that."

She stops immediately.

"Will you identify yourself, sir?" The guard asks.

"I'm Doctor James McCrimmon. From the... Township of Balamory. Eh... I have my credentials, if I may..." The Doctor gestures to his pocket and the guard nods.

We all lower our hands whilst he fumbles in his pocket and produces the psychic paper.

He shows it to them, "As you can see, a Doctorate from the University of Edinburgh. I trained under Doctor Bell himself."

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