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We step out of the tardis, looking up at her.

"I don't know what's wrong with her, she's sort of... queasy. Indigestion, like she didn't want to land."

"Oh, if you think there's gonna be trouble, we could always get back inside and go somewhere else."

He laughs at the notion, looking around, "I think... we've landed inside a cupboard! Here we go!" He pushes the door open and we enter another part of the building we've landed in.

"Open Door 15."

"Some sort of base... moon base, sea base, space base... they build these things out of kits."

I listen to the sounds coming from outside, "Sounds like a storm out there..."

The Doctor opens another door and the computer speaks again, "Open Door 16."

I follow him through the door into a corridor.

"Human design, you've got a thing about kits. This place was put together like a flat-pack wardrobe, only bigger. And easier."

We go through another door and into a canteen area.

The Doctor strides into the middle of the room, "Oh, it's a sanctuary base! Deep space exploration. We've gone way out. And listen to that, underneath..." He points downwards, I can hear the hum of a drill, "Someone's drilling."

I look up, "Welcome to hell."

"Oh, it's not that bad!" He pouts.

I laugh, pointing to the wall, "Over there!"

The words 'welcome to hell' are scrawled on the wall, with weird symbols written underneath.

The Doctor stares, "Hold on..." He goes over to it, "What does that say?"

He peers closely at the symbols, but it remains the same, "That's weird. It won't translate."
I frown, "I thought the tardis translated everything, writing included. We should see English."
"Exactly. If that's not working, then it means... this writing is old. Very old. Impossibly old." he stands and goes over to another door, "We should find out who's in charge." He turns the wheel to open the door, "We've gone beyond the reach of the tardis knowledge. Not a good move. And if someone's lucky enough..." The door opens and we both gasp in shock, stumbling back a few steps. There are aliens with tendrils coming from their faces.

"Right! Hello! Sorry! Uh... I was just saying, uh... nice base!"

The aliens speak together, "We must feed."

"You're gonna what?"
"We must feed."
"Yeah. I think they mean us."

We back away as they advance.

"We must feed."

We try to go through the other door, but it opens and more aliens come through it.

"We must feed. We must feed. We must feed."

Yet another door opens and more walk slowly through it. We are cornered.

"We must feed. We must feed. We must feed."

The Doctor takes his sonic out of his pocket and I arm myself with a chair.

"We must feed. We must feed."

We are backed against the wall by the advancing aliens.

"We must feed." One of the aliens shakes and taps the white orb they hold before them, "You. if you are hungry."

The Doctor lowers his sonic, "Sorry?"

"We apologize. Electromagnetics have interfered with our speech systems."
I set down the chair.

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