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"Yeah, I'd like a large pepperoni pizza and..." August started, covering the phone receiver to shout up at Connor, "Baby, what do you want?"
Connor splashed around in his bath upstairs.
"I don't really care," he called back, scrubbing away at his hair.
"...and one extra large pizza with everything on it except olives and peppers," August said into the phone, "Could you add a pop to that too? Ok, thanks."
August grinned to himself. Connor did say he didn't care after all.

Connor got out of his bath upstairs and dried himself off.
He took a look at himself in the mirror.
He seemed less skinny than before. It might not have been much of a change, but he could tell.
Slapping on some clothes he headed downstairs to be greeted by his boyfriend holding two pizzas and a pop.
"Just in time," August smirked, balancing their food on one hand, "The pizza just got here."
Connor noticed the slightly larger box than the other.
"That one's for you, right?" He questioned, pointing to it.
"Nope, that one's for you, skinny boy," August teased as he opened the boxes.
'Since Connor enjoyed himself earlier, why not offer him the chance to do it again?' August thought.
Connor looked over to the pizza tentatively.
He didn't want to get carried away like earlier. What if August thought it was disgusting that he was starting to enjoy these things?
August handed Connor a plate with three slices on it.
Connor smiled sheepishly as he accepted it.
"Why don't you go find something to watch?" August suggested, shooing his boyfriend out of the kitchen.
Connor sat down on their couch and flipped on the TV. He found a shitty B movie to space off to while they ate.
August came over with his own plate and the two liter of pop. He placed the pop right in front of Connor on the coffee table.
Connor looked nervously from the pop to his pizza.
"You asked for just about everything on my pizza, huh?" Connor nervously laughed.
"Well, you did say you didn't care," August shrugged, taking a bite of his pizza.
"That's true," Connor nodded, taking a bite out of a slice.
'Oh fuck, that's good,' Connor thought as he took another bite.
August watched his boyfriend scarf down his three slices like he hadn't eaten before.
"I didn't think you could eat this good," August teased, offering to take his plate. "Do you want more?"
"Yes, please," Connor answered politely, handing August his plate.
August walked back to the kitchen and placed five slices onto Connor's plate. He filled his own plate too and walked back to the living room where he found the two liter almost half empty.
"That's supposed to be for the both of us," August poked, taking a swig for himself.
"I guess I'm just really thirsty," Connor chuckled, reaching out for his plate.
"I guess so," August returned, letting Connor have his plate.
If he kept eating like this, he'd gain a healthy weight in no time.
August felt disappointed in this revelation, but he only wanted Connor to be happy. He would just have to enjoy it while it lasted.
He looked over to Connor to find him on his third slice.
Connor caught his boyfriend's eyes.
He was enjoying this a little too much. And if it showed, August would think he was such a glutton. Would August still like him if he became fat from all this indulging?
He shook away the thought.
"What can I say: shit's good," Connor smiled, taking another bite.
"You're not wrong," August nodded.
Once Connor had finished his plate, he went up to get the last pieces.
"You sure you can eat all that?" August asked, watching his boyfriend pile on the last four slices of the massive pizza.
"Yeah," Connor said as a blurp escaped him. "Excuse me."
Connor returned to August's side and proceeded to eat the rest of his pizza.
'That is fuck hot,' August blushed as he watched Connor eat. 'Holy fuck, that's hot.'
Connor then drank the rest of the pop and sat back with a satisfied burp.
August was absolutely mesmerized.
Connor's stomach poked slightly out from underneath his shirt. It was taunt and hard, unlike how soft August was.
August was practically drooling.
Connor looked over to August.
"You didn't think I could do it, huh?" Connor grinned, patting his small, bulging stomach.
"I definitely didn't," August baffled, his eyes glued to Connor's stomach.
"I think we should do this more often," Connor smiled, rubbing his stomach.
"I do too," August returned.

A.N. Whatever you want to call it: pop, soda, coke, whatever. Where I'm from we call it pop, so I'm going with that.

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