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Connor sat down at the table and baffled at the amount of food placed before him. There was buffalo wings, pizzas, garlic bread, bread sticks, and three whole cheesecakes. Connor could almost feel himself getting hard, thinking of stuffing his face with it all.
"Is this all for me?" Connor asked as he tried to contain his excitement.
"It sure is," August replied cockily, turned on by Connor's reddening face.
"I don't even know where to start," Connor chuckled nervously. He didn't want act like a pig, even though that was the point of this meal.
August, on the other hand, was eager to watch his boy pig out.
Connor looked around the table nervously, unsure of what to eat first.

"Why don't you go ahead and try the pizza first then, big guy?" August suggested, motioning to the pizzas laid out before them.

Connor flushed at his new pet name August used. He wasn't very big... at least not yet.

"Sure, I guess," Connor replied.

August watched Connor closely as he picked up a slice of pizza and took a bite. Connor's eyes closed in pleasure as he savored the taste of the gooey cheese and tangy tomato sauce, oblivious to his boyfriend watching him closely.

August leaned forward in his chair, unconsciously doing the action. His mouth hung slightly open, waiting in anticipation.

Connor couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious as he ate. He wasn't so sure about August watching him pig out like this, especially because it turned him on. But as he continued to eat, Connor found himself getting lost in the flavors of the food. He felt himself getting hungrier with every bite, and before he knew it, he had finished half of a pizza.

Connor looked down at his plate, surprised at how much he had eaten already. He felt a little guilty for indulging in front of August like this, but the food was just too good to resist. August did make this just for him after all. He reached for a breadstick, dipping it into the warm marinara sauce.

August watched as Connor ate, his eyes fixed on his boyfriend's every move. He loved the way Connor looked when he ate, the way his eyes would close in pleasure. The way he'd sit back with his hand rested on his stomach.

August shook his head, ridding him of his trance. What was he thinking? This was the last time they were doing this; the last. If they did it again, Connor would probably become overweight and his boyfriend wouldn't want that, would he?

August took a deep breath and tried to refocus his attention on his own plate. He picked up a few buffalo wings and started gnawing on them, trying to distract himself from the thoughts swirling in his head.

Connor continued to eat, enjoying the food from August. He didn't notice the way August was fidgeting to control his desires because he was too focused on gorging him.

As the meal progressed, Connor found himself feeling fuller and fuller. He had eaten almost everything on the table, including two whole pizzas, an entire plate of garlic bread, and a full cheesecake. He was stuffed to the brim and could barely move, let alone think straight.

Even though he was almost full, he still wanted to keep going. The feeling of being painfully full was pure bliss to him. He wanted to feel this good all the time.
As he continued to eat, he fantasized about August force feeding him to keep himself going.

August watched in amazement as Connor continued to devour the rest of the food. He had never seen his boyfriend eat this much before, and it was a huge turn on for him.

Connor sat back in his seat and looked out at the remaining food. He didn't think he'd be able to finish the rest even though he desperately wanted to. Turning his head, he glanced at August who was staring him down with an open mouth.

"What?" Connor chuckled at his gawking boyfriend. "You impressed?"

"Yeah, haha," August replied, taking a bite from his food.

"I don't think I can eat anymore," Connor sighed, rubbing his taut belly. He let out a quiet burp, and covered his mouth.

August smirked, getting up from his seat and walking towards Connor. He reached out and ran his hand over Connor's belly, his temptations winning for a moment. Connor gasped at the sensation, feeling a shiver of pleasure run down his spine.

'Shit,' Connor thought as he crossed his hands over his lap to hide his growing bulge. 'Why did he have to touch me like that?'

"I think you've had enough for now," August chuckled teasingly, patting Connor's stomach.

Connor nodded, feeling a little embarrassed and humiliated about his overindulgence. He had never eaten so much before, and the sensation of stuffing himself to his limit in front of August was new to him. If only August would feed him for him...

"Thanks for the meal," Connor smiled, a small blush reddening his cheeks.

"Anytime, big guy," August replied, winking at Connor.

As they cleaned up the table and put away the remaining food, Connor couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that it was all over. He wanted more, but he knew he couldn't keep indulging like this, or at least... not in front of August.

A.N. I'm back (I was messing around with a bunch of ai shit while I was away and made a Connor ai lol). Anyway, gonna try to write more frequently. Also the format of the story is weird this time bc I was writing it on my computer. Anyway, see ya'll in the next chapter. Also I need ideas, so please, give me some ._.

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