Midnight Snack

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That same night, Connor got up while August slept.
'Now I can stuff myself all night while August sleeps,' Connor thought as he crept down the stairs.
He crawled into the kitchen and quietly cracked open the fridge.
Looking around the inside of the refrigerator, Connor grabbed a few foods August would never eat and surely wouldn't notice missing. A bin of cottage cheese, leftover noodles, and soup from a few meals ago.
Connor grabbed a spoon from the silverware drawer amd started eating the cottage cheese as he raided the pantry. Oatmeal, old cereal, and a few cans of tuna.
All a disgusting mix of foods, but they wouldn't be missed. August couldn't stand those foods and would be glad they were gone. Connor hoped by doing this, August would never find out about his newfound obsession.
Connor ate himself silly into the night. It felt so good to stuff himself to the limit.
He wanted to do this every night.

A.N. Short chapter :p Anyway, gonna do a lil time skip in the next chapter.

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