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After Last week's tense case, the team could tell Bailee was different, she would jump at loud noises, had bags under her eyes, stumbles in her steps, yawning most of the day, but if anyone mention sleeping Bailee would brush them off and change t...

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After Last week's tense case, the team could tell Bailee was different, she would jump at loud noises, had bags under her eyes, stumbles in her steps, yawning most of the day, but if anyone mention sleeping Bailee would brush them off and change the subject. Hotch thought after the weekend she would be better but in fact she looked worse. Monday morning came the team were at their desks when Bailee appeared looking terrible. Hotch saw Bailee and knew he had to talk to her. She was going to make herself sick.

Walking out of his office, he kept his distance not wanting to scare her anymore and sighed "Bailee what's going on?" The young girl looked at the floor avoiding eye contact "I...I...can't"

Hotch was confused and upset that he didn't know how to help the teenager "Can't what?" He saw how the whole team were looking in their direction causing bailee's hand to shake. "Come. We can talk in my office" Bailee nodded her head and followed him.

When they got to the office, he made her sit on the sofa and he kneeled down in front of her and spoke softly to her "Bailee I  don't want to scare you but you haven't looked well since the bombing case. I understand it was frightening for you but it looks like you haven't slept for days..... what's going on?"

Bailee didn't know why she felt like she was safe with him, maybe his words sounded like he cared, that's why she decided to tell him the truth or a little of the truth. "I can't sleep" She mumbles, a part of her was embarrassed to tell him the other part of her wanted someone to understand her.

Hotch was surprised that she said anything but was glad she was slowly dropping the defensive wall she had around herself. "Nightmares?"

Hotch was also beginning to understand what was wrong. The bombing case, Garcia's confession about bailee's memories and you can't forget she lives alone. Must have been a horrible feeling to be alone after a horrific experience and for somebody of her age.

Bailee quickly nods her head looking at her feet. "I...can't stop seeing..."

Hotch knew he had to be cautious with what he asked, one wrong move and she could retreat back to her old self. Shy and scared of everyone. "Seeing what?"

"Him with the gun" Hotch was shocked he thought it would be about the bomber, he saw her zoning out and knew he had to stop her from thinking about whatever was scaring her enough that stopped her from sleeping. 

"Hey...Bailee...I don't have any more meetings today why you don't try to sleep here" Hotch suggested.

"No....no....no I can't" Bailee straight away disagreed.

"I will be at my desk, and I promise you that you will be fine. Ok?" Hotch held out his pinkie for her.

"You pinkie promise?" Bailee asked she was still unsure about sleeping.

"I pinkie promise" Hotch smiled and pulled a blanket over her, he walked to his desk and started with his paperwork. A few minutes later he heard snoring, turning in his chair he sees a peaceful look on Bailee's face and in a deep sleep. Hotch was still smiling glad he was able to help the struggling young girl.

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