37 | Bonus: Aaron & Hailey

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"Oh Aaron" Hailey says holding the phone when Jack and Daisy had left the room, leaving her alone with Foyet.

"He can hear us. Right?" Aaron asks, he was still petrified even with knowing he children are safe. His ex-wife was alone with the man who had killed innocent people, stabbed him and shot their daughter.

"Yeah. I'm so sorry." Hailey says knowing she isn't going to make it out of this situation alive. Part of her knew karma would catch up to her after everything she had done in her life. But as long as her children. Jack and Daisy were safe. Then she didn't care about herself.

"Hailey, show him no weakness. No fear." Aaron explains to his ex-wife not caring that the other members of the team were listening to his conversation.

"I know. Sam told me all about him."

"Is he?" Hailey asks about the man who has taken care of her and jack since they've been in witness protection.

"No. Sam is fine." Aaron didn't want Hailey worrying or panicking anymore.

Foyet shakes his head "Aaron, Aaron, Aaron is that why your marriage broke up?"

"Because you're a liar?" He adds.

"Don't listen to him Hailey."

"I have Sam's service phone right here" Foyet holds up the burner phone in his hand. "They sent out a mass text about his death. You can take a look if you want."

"He's trying to scare you," Aaron says.

"Did you even tell her what this was about? The deal?" Foyet asks.

"He's just trying to make you angry."

"Well, she should be. She's going to be unalive because of your inflated ego" Foyet says smirking.

"Ignore him, Hailey."

"I'm sure you don't want her to know this part, either you know all he had to do was stop looking for me and you wouldn't be in this mess?" Foyet explains.

"Don't react"

"What is he talking about?"

Foyet does a dramatic gasp "He didn't tell you. No surprised"

"While you and the little guy jack were in witness protection. Hotchypooh here abandoned Bailee again" Foyet grins.

What?" Hailey whispers.

"Don't be so shocked. It's not like it's the first time he's does it" Foyet saw a change in Hailey's body language and was curious.

"However, I do have to admit. Bailee drunk is hilarious her jokes even made me laugh." Foyet adds.

"You were watching her?" Aaron spits out.

"Do I really have to answer that, Aaron?" Foyet rolls his eyes.

"Did she tell you about the court joke?" Foyet only got silence in response.

"It's rude to ignore people Hotchywhore." Foyet loved getting under Aaron's skin and making him angry. He did think of killing Hailey quicker but now slowing out the kill, using the nicknames that bailee called him made the kill that much more entertaining.

"Anyways. The judge says to the criminal 'you killed your own parents. Why would I show mercy to you?' The criminal looks at the judge and says, 'well because I am an orphan'. Do you get it because Bailee was an orphan?" Foyet laughs.

"Seriously? Not even a chuckle? You guys are no fun."

"Guess we are back to the situation at hand" Foyet pouts putting his gun on the coffee table.

"you're so strong Hailey, stronger than I ever was," Aaron says down the phone.

"Got to say Bailee well Daisy is stronger than both of you combined" Foyet interrupts.

Then he covers his mouth "I interrupted the moment didn't I"

"You'll hurry, right?" Hailey ignores Foyet's comment.

"I know you didn't sign on for this," Aaron says.

"Neither did you" Hailey replies as Foyet slowly stands up walking towards her.

"I'm sorry for everything," Aaron confesses.

"Promise me something Aaron," Hailey says with tears streaming down her face.

"Anything. Hailey Anything"

"Promise me that you will tell Jack and Daisy how we met." Hailey pleads with her ex-husband.

"And how you used to make me laugh."

"Hailey...." Aaron says defeated.

"They need to know that you weren't so serious, Aaron" Hailey states feeling the gun on the back of her neck.

"I want them both to believe in love because it is the important thing." She adds.

Hailey closes her eyes and takes a deep breath "And Aaron..."

"Yeah" Aaron's voice cracks as he speaks.

"Tell our daughter the truth" Hailey states seriously.

"No. Hailey I'm not...." Aaron stutters lost for words.

"Promise me, Aaron. She needs her father" Hailey says.

"She needs her mother too" Aaron argues.

"She would never forgive me or see me as a mother.... You have another chance with you."

"Don't blow it."

"Tell her what happened that night," Hailey says.

"Tell her I was the one that left her in the park that night Aaron. Tell her how mad you were at me for what I had done. You never stopped looking for her until I made you. I told you that she would be safe with another family." Hailey states.

"I can't" Aaron says.

"You have too"

"You have another chance with our daughter. The daughter that I made you forget. The conversation we had at the hospital when you told me you found our Daisy, I can tell how much you cherished that moment that finally after all this time you had another chance"

That's not fair"

"Promise me"

"Don't make me"


"Promise me!"

"I....fine" Aaron says.

"Well. Now that was a big confession. It's a shame Bailee isn't here." Foyet states.

"Oh well" Foyet Shrugs.

"BANG" the first shot is fire.

"Damm it" Aaron screams down the phone.



dammmm now that was a big confession.

Do you think he will tell her?

Do you think that will change their relationship?

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