42 | Bonus: Hotch & Bailee

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"Huh" Bailee looks up to see Aaron sitting on the coffee table in front of her with a concerned expression on his face.

"Are you alright?" Aaron questions which he instantly regretted when the words came out of his mouth. Of course, she wasn't okay, she had been kidnapped by the same person who shot her and then found out her boss her biological father, and her mother was then killed after she found out.

"You're my dad." Bailee bluntly states.

"Yes," Aaron had thought it was best to just be completely honest with Bailee's questions. This was never the way he wanted her to find out. Seeing her blank face and hearing her emotionless voice was hard. Aaron had just gotten Bailee to be civil with him and he knew this would change their relationship and it wasn't going to be in a good way.

"And you knew?" Bailee half states half asks her boss who she now knows is her dad.


"How long?" Bailee just needed answers she didn't care about her behavior or  attitude, she needed the truth and wasn't bothered by how she sounded.

"I didn't know how to tell you" Aaron tries to defend himself not wanting to tell her how long he knew the truth for.

"How long?" Bailee repeats her question.

Aaron sighs looking at his hands that were resting on his knees "Since Foyet."

"I think I'm going to be sick" Bailee mumbles before rushing to the trash can, throwing up again, Aaron carefully rubs her back soothingly grabbing her hair, so it doesn't get in her way.

"That's it. Let it out" he says as she pukes again in the trash can.

Once she had finished being sick and came to her senses, she pushes his hands off her back, standing up and leaning against his desk, see sees the photo frame of jack as a baby being held by Hailey and Aaron.

"I'm so sorry Bailee" Aaron says to his daughter wishing he could turn back time and change things.

"No you're not," Bailee says still looking at the photo frame. They were happy. A family.

Aaron furrows his eyebrows "Of course I am, you shouldn't have been told that way."

Bailee snorts "So you're only sorry that I find out. Lovely"

Aaron quickly shakes his head "No, I didn't mean it like that Bailee I mean the way you were told. I was planning on telling you the truth I promise" He needed her to believe that what he was saying was the truth, but the look on her face showed that she didn't believe a thing he said.

Bailee picks up the photo frame from his desk and turns it round to show him "You were never going to tell me. Why would you ruin your life with the daughter you never wanted."

"Of course, I wanted you, Bailee. It was a mistake." Aaron says his own tears streaming down his face. He was known as being a strict and closed-off person but to his daughter, he would be vulnerable.

"A mistake? Are you joking? While this photo was being taken, I was getting kicked, punched, whipped by my foster dad because of you're mistake." Bailee calmly says to her dad, there was no point in shouting it wouldn't change anything. She was still abandoned she was still forgotten about.

"Daisy" Aaron says with sadness in his voice. He and the whole team knew about what had happened at her foster homes but for her to actually say it out loud made it real.

"Don't Daisy me. I am not Daisy I wasn't her the day I was abandoned by my parents. Bailee is the name I made for myself. I had no one but myself for the last seventeen years. While you Jack and Hailey were a happy family." Bailee slams the photo frame back onto the desk.

"You forgot about me. You left me. Don't you dare tell me that you made a mistake" Bailee quietly says before taking a deep breath.

"Did you know when I was shot?" Bailee questions.

"I found out that night you were shot. Foyet told me. I didn't believe him at first, but when I saw the elephant teddy bear in his hands." Aaron explains.

"You have him?" She's been looking for her teddy since she got out of the hospital.

"Yeah. I gave you him when you were a baby, I wrote your initials on the tag in case you ever lost him." Aaron adds.

"DMH" Bailee says. "Never knew what it meant."

"Daisy Mae Hotchner" Aaron explains.

"Bailee. I will always regret my past choices but let me at least try and make things right." Aaron pleaded.

"Bullshit" Bailee whispers.


"Everything that comes out of your mouth is a lie. This whole apologise is a lie." Bailee mumbles wipes her tears.

"Don't say that it's not true" Aaron shakes his head.

"It is"

"I didn't even know I was abandoned until Levi and Stacey had put me into foster care and I asked my social worker why they didn't want me." Bailee looks fumbles with her fingers.

"I'm sorry" Aaron says "What can I do?"

"That's the thing. There's nothing for you to do." Bailee was exhausted and done with this whole conversation. Maybe sleep for the rest of her life and wait for another serial killer to come and drop another bomb.

"That's got to be something" Aaron wanted to be in his daughters life. Anyway he could help he would do it. But she didn't care and looked drained emotionally which he couldn't blame her for.

Bailee goes over to the shelf confusing Aaron on what she was doing, Bailee picks up his whisky glass and throws it onto the floor causing it to smash into tiny pieces.

"Bailee!" Aaron states concern for his daughter's safety.

"You've said sorry how many times, you've asked what you can do to make it right." Bailee points to the smashed glass on the floor. "See this. Try putting it back together can you do it?"

"No" Aaron says confused.

"Exactly. Words are just words. You think a sorry and saying you'll be here for me now will change what you've done. what you called a mistake." Bailee says looking at her dad.

"I've been abandoned my whole life. The first thing you do when you found out I'm you're daughter is abandoned me again. For god sake Aaron I had just come out of surgery and you told me you didn't need me and I was getting transferred."

"You abandoned me a second time. I won't let you do it a third." Bailee's voice wavers as she speaks.

"Give me some space please that's all I ask" Bailee adds trying hold herself together.

"Of course. I know you going though a lot but don't shut me out ok" Aaron understood she will need time to process everything but he didn't want her going down a dark path.

"Okay" Bailee says out Aaron office door.


Sooooo that's their conversation......

Is there anyone you want Bailee to have a conversation with?

Btw I have just started back at uni so my upload times will change. I most likely will do double uploads from now on since I won't be able to update as quickly.

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