•Secrets within secrets, Love

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The night had ended well for all of them. Altamash had made sure Abdul Razzaq was accompanied by him only. He even went to see off Abdul Razzaq at the gates making sure that the man had left.

God! That man irked him.

And now Altamash was sitting on the bar stool in the kitchen as Silah, Khuraisa and Ailana mumbled against themselves. He deeply stared at the three women as he enjoyed his kulfa crunch.

" Altamash, can you please take his bowl to baba."

The man complied as Khuraisa asked him to. And within seconds he returned only to see Ailana and Silah in the kitchen. He squinted the women taking his place on the stool again.

Ailana was sitting opposite to him as she dug in her bowl of dessert. And the man nodded to himself.

" Ailana.."

" Hm?"

The girl looked up for a brief second.

" What's up with Abdul Razzaq? He's changed so much."

" Yeah, but a good change I guess."

She offered him a smile and he nodded.

" Yes but still there's something wrong with him?"

" What's wrong with him?"

Silah asked as she turned around to look at him. He turned his warm honey brown eyes onto her.

" I don't know, he seemed off."

" Oh, that's probably how you were intimidating him at dinner. I saw that."

Ailana laughed as she stood up.

" You were literally just forcing him to eat."

She laughed and Silah rose her eyebrows in surprise.

" Good night now."

Ailana waved before she left the kitchen still laughing.

" Really Altamash?"

Silah asked with a small mocking smile. This made Altamash embarrassed and he shook his head.

" No! Why would I do that?"

" Because he was talking to me all nice and politely too when you interven-"

" Hmm, such a nice little pretty boy he is."

The man scoffed.

" I don't get it, what is wrong with him? He's a gentleman."

" And I am what?"

Altamash said raising his eyebrows in challenge. Silah shrugged.

" You are impossible."

She said before taking the bowl from infront of him and dumping that into the sink noisily.

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