Chapter 11

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I woke up early in the same position i fell asleep in. I carefully slid out from Neymar's grasp and headed to the bathroom. I got in the shower to freshen up and after about 10 minutes i was finished.

"Agh i forgot new clothes" i mumbled to myself. I snuck out of the bathroom in a towel hoping he wouldn't wake up and see. Luckily, i slid back into the bathroom without waking him and i got changed into a black hoodie with a small white logo and black leggings. I put my hair up into a messy high ponytail and pulled my toothbrush.

As i was putting toothpaste on the door opened and in walked Neymar. He was in the same clothes as yesterday..obviously. He had grey joggers and a red hoodie with his hood up.

"Bom dia beautiful" his arms wrapped around my waist.

neymar pov

she's so effortlessly beautiful. Her outfits were so simple yet they made her look stunning. Her clothes hugged her silhouette perfectly.

She smiled as i put my arms around her waist and i saw she was about to brush her teeth. I groaned because i didn't have a toothbrush. She pointed a finger and bent down digging through her sink cupboard and soon she proudly showed a toothbrush new in its package.

"Obrigado princesa" i said and gave a half smile because I'm not a morning person. As I was brushing i walked out to get some new clothes but soon realised I wasn't at my house.

"Dont worry before training we can go to your house" She said looking at me through the mirror. I rinsed my mouth out and kissed her temple. About 10 minutes later we were in my car driving to my house.

I unlocked the door and held it open waiting for her to walk in. I felt her following me closely towards my bedroom and i did not mind one bit. She quickly went to sit in the chair in the corner of my my room while i grabbed some new clothes.

"Only you would have a chair in your bedroom" she said slightly laughing

"What can i say? i like my chairs" i started walking over to her and sat directly on top of her and she started laughing

"This one is particularly comfortable" i said

"Ney stop i cant breath" she managed to make out while laughing. She finally managed to push me off.

"Dont talk to me" she said turning her head away and started marching out of the room. i grabbed her wrist and spun her around so my head was in her neck. "You could never be mad at me" i felt her smile and she pulled away a second later.

"Come on get changed we'll be late" She continued smiling.

Adriana pov

We arrived at training and Neymar headed to get changed and i met coach out on the field "You can just sit and relax today Adriana all they're doing is mini matches" he said

"Oh ok cool" i smiled and this time i sat on the bench since i wanted to see the matches up close. Everyone came out and quickly started to kick the ball around, Neymar had stared at me many times and i had smiled but he coldly ignored it. Maybe he just didn't see me.

I started to watch Lio instead as Neymar was giving me nothing. They had played for about 45 minutes until coach cut it off. As Neymar was walking off the field i ran up to him.

"Hey" i smiled but he walked ahead ignoring me. Soon Lio came to my side.

"Ignore him. One of the boys said something to him now he's in a bad mood" I was confused so i asked.

"What did they say?"

"I'm not sure. All i heard was your name..." "You shouldn't worry though." He said giving me a reassuring look.

I couldn't really ignore him like Lio said to as he literally drove me here so i was gonna ask him about it.

"Are you ok?" i asked as he walked towards his car. He continued walking without acknowledging me. "Why are you ignoring me?! What did they say about me?" i demanded

He sighed "No one said anything to anyone I'm just in a bad mood" he replied quietly

"Why's that" i ask because i knew he was lying. "No reason" he said and started driving. it was a quiet journey the whole time until we got to my house. I got out and said "Thanks" before semi-slamming the door. I don't get it.

Neymar pov

I felt bad of course i did but i couldn't get what they said to me out of my head. Davi had gone home a couple days ago so i was all alone. I sat on the couch with my phone while scrolling on Instagram, i thought about messaging her but decided it was best not to.

I saw that Lionel had tagged me in his story of a photo of us training today so i reposted it and shut off my phone. I didn't realise i fell asleep until i checked the time on my phone and saw it had been 3 hours.

I had tons of notifications on Instagram so i opened them. Most of them were Dm's replying to my story such as '🔥🔥' and '💪' until one of them had actual writing. It was from her.

see you like the photo i took :)

Oh great. She took the photo. I didn't respond, i couldn't. Until i realized it showed that i had seen it so i responded out of guilt.


Its a simple yet effective answer, I'm pretty proud of myself for thinking of that on the spot. Neymar 1 Instagram 0.

Adriana pov

Is that all i get. Just a👍. I mean who does that.

~*_ STAY WITH ME _*~

new chapter 😍 anyways i hope you're enjoying it. I have a banging migraine so staring at a bright white screen didn't help but oh well YOLO. i wanna cry i start school again soon 😭.

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