Chapter 22

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After everyone left i got up and started to put away everything. I still had music blasting in my ears and i was in my own element.

"Sh!t" i slightly shouted as i felt a cold hand around my wrist.
I sighed as i saw who it was.

"What do you want?" I said to Neymar as i pulled out my earphones.

"Can we talk?" He said

"We're already talking aren't we" I said and he slightly smiled, i didn't intend to be funny.

I stacked the last things away and went back to him.

"Talk to me then" I said sighing again.

"Come here" He said signalling to sit on the ground with him. I sat down and put my knees to my chest. He shuffled closer to me but i moved away.

"Im going to explain everything ok?" He said quietly

"Got it" I said looking the opposite direction.

He took a deep breath "So we got to the club and i thought you were walking with Lio behind me so i went into the VIP area. I soon realised you weren't there and started to worry but the boys werent letting me out and started to force drinks on me. I sent Di Maria to go find you, he didnt come back. I was texting and calling you but i had no signal so nothing was sending. ex came over and started to dance on me. Im not sure what she said to me because i was wasted but like i've mentioned before she manipulates me Adriana and every. single. time i fall for her crap. I hope you know i would never intend to say anything like that and mean it. Ive realised that i hurt you so much and all i feel is guilt. I didn't realise how much i loved having you around until i didn't have you. I screwed up and if you want to run away then so be it but i really like you." He ranted

I had recalled Lio telling me this exact same story so i knew he wasn't lying. I stayed silent for a couple seconds. 

I turned to face him and we made intense eye contact and i saw that his eyes were glassed over.

I pulled out my phone and in the corner of my eye i saw him looking confused, i showed him Bruna's instagram post.

He grabbed my phone with the same confused face. "I-I don't know when she took that..." he said stuttering out of confusion.

I looked away and rested my head against the wall behind us. 

"I cant keep doing this Neymar" I finally said.

He continued to stare at the side of my head "Doing what?"

"This on and off thing, one day you're begging for me to forgive you and the next you're off with some girl dancing on your lap" I said

He used his hand to gently move my head to face him. I ignored the stinging in my eyes from tears forming.

"I will forever hate myself for hurting you meu amor. I don't know how to apologise" I stared at his green eyes.

"I don't know if i can do this" i said once again looking away

I saw him slightly put his head in his hands "I understand" he mumbled

I slowly got up from the floor and looked down at him. "Im sorry" i sighed. I backed away a couple of steps before finally turning around.

I walked away with immediate regret but its probably for the best.

I pushed what just happened to the back of my mind and walked out to my car. On the way i bumped into Lio.

"There you are!! Ive been looking for you." he said waving his arms about which made me laugh

"Here i am!!!" i said copying his arm movements

He rolled his eyes sarcastically "Anyways i was gonna ask, me and Ant are inviting some people out for dinner tomorrow night..wanna come?" He said

Ant was his nickname for Antonella.

"Hmm who's going?" i hesitantly ask

"Just a couple of the boys and Ant is inviting a couple of her friends" He said. I prayed she wasn't inviting Bruna.

"Alright, when and where?" i smiled. He told me everything and i left to my car quickly texting Antonella.


Pleeaaseeee don't say you're inviting Bruna to the dinner tomorrow 🙏xx

I figured it would be awkward if she was there so no im not 🤣x

Você é tão esperto 😉 See you then xx
{you're so smart}

É claro x
{of course}

Phew. Who knows what Bruna would say and i couldn't be bothered with her. I got home at around 5 and was so tired.

~*_ STAY WITH ME _*~

not sure if im gonna make this book spicy or not 🤔
leave ur opinions :)

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