Chapter 23

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neymar pov

I woke up at around 8am and was relieved that we didn't have training today.

I got up and just put a pair of shorts that were scrunched in the bottom of my drawer.

I tiredly walked down stairs to make some cereal. UGH! No milk, great. I planned to go to the shops later but for now i headed to the shower.

In around 10 minutes i was in and out of the shower. I remembered that Lionel had invited me to a dinner later on with a couple of friends.

If im honest i really wasn't in the mood but i didn't want to be rude and cancel.

I slumped back in my bed after re-dressing myself and started to scroll on my phone.

adriana pov

I woke up at around 9am today due to me being glued to my phone last night.

I hopped in the shower but didn't wash my hair as it wasn't particularly dirty. I got out and put denim shorts and a light blue floral shirt on.

I had planned to go to the shop to re-fill my cupboards as they were looking very bare.

It was boiling today so i layered on deodorant and slipped on my sandals.

Realising it was Sunday and the shop didn't open for another few hours, i sat back down on my bed to look on my socials.

For some reason the first thing i did was check his instagram. Im not sure why its not like im stalking him or anything.

He hadn't posted anything new but he had a new story so i unknowingly clicked on it. Immediate regret went through me as he could see that i viewed it.

All it was was a repost from someone else's story. Boring, i know.

It clocked that i should probably start planning outfits for tonight.

Im so indecisive when it comes to these things so i texted Antonela


What kind of outfit for tonight?? im struggling 😩

Im wearing a sparkly gold dress, don't worry im sure im the one who is overdressing 🤣x

Ok cool, see you later x


I grabbed a deep red silk dress out of my wardrobe. It stopped mid thigh and the neckline went straight across.

I chucked it on my bed with some black heels and a black clutch. Perfeita!

For once i felt happy with one option and started to plan my hair and makeup in my head. I was getting excited to dress up.

Before i knew, it was 11 so i headed out to the store.

My wavy hair had highlights from the sun and i just left it down.

neymar pov

I was getting bored on my phone so i put on a t-shirt and slowly walked out to my car.

Luckily, the store was a small local one so no-one could harass me with cameras.

I could probably walk there from my house but i couldn't be assed. I pulled up in one of the parking spaces in the small car park and headed in doors.

I got blasted by and AC as i went through the sliding doors and had to re-adjust my hair. I greeted the cashier as like i mentioned it was a small store and started to walk around.

adriana pov

I walked from my house which only took 5 minutes. The shop was local and small which i liked. I watched my reflection while walking towards the sliding doors.

An ice cold blast of wind hit me as i walked through and i had to re-adjust my hair. I flashed a smile to the cashier and started to walk around.

I had walked through 2 aisles and had a few various things in my small basket. I got to the secluded corner in the back, i think im the only one in the store.

The milk was hidden in the corner so i walked over.
My heart quite literally stopped as i saw who was standing there.

I turned my head away and tried to look for the milk i usually buy but of course he was standing in-front of it.

I awkwardly stood there hiding my face until he moved. I shuffled my feet as he came to walk past me but he stopped.

He started staring at me, i walked towards where he had just came from. He stood in-front of me.

"Adi?" He questioned

I looked up "Oh, hi" I said pretending i didn't know he was there.

"My names Adriana by the way" I said feeling uncomfortable with him calling me Adi.

He was looking me up and down for a couple seconds until registering what i said.

"Oh um sorry" He said still admiring my body.

"Eyes up here" I said coldly

"Yeah um sorry so um how are you?" He said clearly nervous.

"Fine?" I said trying to continue forward but that just caused me to be inches from his face after he refused to move.

Both of us clearly were shocked and my breath hitched.

neymar pov

She looked so beautiful, her hair was dyed from the sun and the outfit she had one made her look stunning.

She stepped forward which shocked me but she was just trying to get past. I didn't move.

I moved so my face was in her neck because of how close we were stood together.

I could feel my heart start beating faster and my breathing got heavier. How does she do this to me?

She slightly shivered from my breath which made me smile.

My thoughts got the best of me and i wrapped my arms around her waist.

Adriana had recently put her basket on a near by empty shelf while she was talking to me.

My arms had caused her to step even closer so now i could feel her fast heart beat.

I moved my hands up to her head and cupped her head into my hands. She didn't move.

I stared at her eyes trying to read her thoughts. Did she like this? Did she like me?


I rested my forehead on hers and she closed her eyes.

adriana pov

I knew i couldn't just fall right back into his arms. I didn't know if i still like...loved him still. Either way i was going to play hard to get.

What i did next was my general reaction as i just reacted moment.

I cupped his head in my hands and he released his hands from my head. "Im sorry" I whispered against his lips.

I kissed his cheek, grabbed my basket and walked away.

I immediately regretted it. Not kissing his cheek.....walking away.


I arrived back home and put the bags on the counter then slumped onto my couch. How does he do this to me?

~*_ STAY WITH ME _*~

thank you all for 2k reads!! im so grateful 🤍🤍

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