Chapter 21

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I woke up and was so hungover. Luckily they had training late today so i could stay in bed.

I turned on my phone. 8:30. Ugh why so early. I clicked onto Instagram and searched up his name.

I spontaneously went onto his most recent post, I pressed the like button. I then waited a few seconds then i unliked it.

He did it to me so ill do it to him. I didnt do it on accident but oh well.

I was still trying to wrap my head around the previous night. Why was Neymar in my car? I really only remembered getting home. I had a couple ideas of what happened before that but not the whole picture.

I also had recollection of my brother Lio being there so i phoned him. It rung for awhile before he picked up. I think i woke him up.

"Adriana what do you want? im tiredd" he groaned

"Last night, why was Neymar in my car and why were you there?" i questioned

"Ughhh" he groaned again

"Carol called me and said you needed picking up, Neymar was with me and i figured you two needed to talk. I dropped him at Carol's to take you home but i soon realized you were wasted so there was no chance that you were going to talk to him. I then picked him up from your house and apparently you hate him. I dont know what you said or did but you need to talk to him." He said before taking a deep breath

"Why should i talk to him? Im the one who's mad so im going to wait for him to break our silence" i said stubbornly

"Listen, i know you're mad at him but there must be an explanation. You just need to hear him out. Im not saying to run up, kiss him and marry him but just don't keep avoiding him like you're in high school."

I sighed "If he wanted to explain to me he would've already. He would've come over and told me everything but he hasn't"

"Adi he seems like he really wants to make it up to you" Lio said

"Whatever, continue sleeping" i said before hanging up.

I mean eventually i will talk to him but just not right now.

I continued my search on instagram and started to curiously type another familiar name. Bruna Marquezine.

I hesitantly clicked on her profile and scrolled down to see her most recent post. My eyes widened.

It was a picture posted and hour ago of her and Neymar obviously from the night before. She was leant over kissing his cheek.

Maybe it was just a friend thing...The caption:

my love ❤️ @neymarjr

Ugh! why does she have to be everywhere all the time. I felt jealously spark through me.

Thats meant to be me. Thats meant to be us.

Obviously i still had feelings for him but they just weren't as strong as before. Also every inch of me hated him at the moment.

I exited Instgram and scrolled through my phone to find something else to do, there was nothing. I chucked my phone down and headed downstairs.

I had nothing else to do all day apart from watch movies and drown in my sorrows so thats exactly what i did.


A couple hours later i heard my alarm go off upstairs. Great, i had to go to training.

I ran upstairs to shut off the annoying alarm and scrolled through my recent notifications until one caught my eye from Insta DM's

nice one

i rolled my eyes and assumed he was referring to the 'accidental like'.

Once again, i chucked my phone away. I freshened up in the bathroom and put a hoodie, jeans and a small black top on.

I grabbed my phone and earphones.


I planned on zoning out with music so i could take my focus away from..him.

I arrived and said a quick hello to coach, put out the assigned equipment then walked up to my safe spot in the stands.

I put in my earphones and saw Neymar walk out. He started searching around until his eyes locked with mine. I whipped out my phone and pretended to text someone even though i was just skipping the song.

After around 10 minutes i felt a finger tap me on my shoulder and i jolted around. It was just Marquinhos. He was very out of breath from running up to me.

"Coach wants you down there, we're changing what we are doing" he said panting.

I took out my earphones and followed him down.

I soon realized that to get the new equipment out i had to weave through the whole team who were spread out on the field so i put in my earphones.

Exactly that happened, I had to dodge people left right and centre. I kept my head down but i recognized one of the hands of the people i bumped into. Shoot.

I sped walked away and got the new things out. Luckily, i could do that in peace.

I soon resorted back to the bench, i couldn't be assed to walk back up to my original seat.

I put my knees to my chest to try and get comfortable on the seat.

I couldn't zone out this time as all i could focus on was a pair of eyes staring at me. Unsettling, i know.

~*_ STAY WITH ME _*~

sorry if todays chapter sucks, i wrote a super long one but it didn't save and i lost all motivation. love u all 🤍

stay with me // neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now