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A little while ago, the boy with supposed 'superpowers' who'd arrived yesterday, turned up at the back entrance of our apartment. He'd come unannounced, yet he seemed a lot less likely to kill us today. Still, trust no one. Especially a random stranger who can literally teleport.

"Elliot, did you develop these photos yourself?" he asked, once again surveying the photos of his family.
"Of course. Can't exactly drop that stuff off at the neighbourhood Fotomat." he responded, holding a bowl of cereal in one hand and a spoon in the other. "Government has eyes everywhere."
"I didn't see a darkroom." the boy challenged. For whatever reason, he felt the need to question everything.
"Yeah, I converted the hallway closet." the boy began to scribble on a mustard colored box as Dad turned a dial on the tv.

"Can you develop this?" he asked, handing the tape over to Dad. I watched from the couch, eating my own bowl of cereal. Dad took the box, turning it in his hands before replying.
"Huh. 'Frankel Footage'. Friends of yours?"
"Cousins on my robot mother's side," he answered before immediately adding, "Can you do it or not?"
Dad turned the box back over, "Sure I can."
"How long?" the boy asked, rather impatiently.
"Well, I mean I'm running low on acetic acid. Beeker's Cameras is open today, but it's two miles away." Dad started on another one of his rants as the boy looked to me. I smiled awkwardly, feeling slightly sympathetic. It was clear he didn't have time for this.
"I mean, I'd have to take the bus. On the other hand, Gibson's is only ten blocks away, but I gotta cut through the park and there's this overbreed of pigeons."
"Elliot!" the boy said as Dad turned back around, remembering the question. I stiffled a laugh as he finally gave his answer.
"It's like five, maybe six hours."

A voice sounded over the radio as I headed to the kitchen to dump my now empty bowl into the sink. The radio's volume was low, so all I could hear were the voices of the boy and my dad.
"The hell is a code 3-15?" I heard the boy ask, before entering the room again.
"Fugitives on the run." I answered, watching them both move closer to the radio.
The boy whispered something incomprehensible, to which Dad asked, "Who's Diego?"
"Imagine Batman, then aim lower." This time a laugh escaped my lips before I could stop it, earning a blank stare from the boy. "You get started on that film." he strided past me, placing a pen on the kitchen table, "I'll be back as soon as I can."

"You'd better be off to school kiddo. Don't want you being late." Dad ruffled my hair as he walked past, placing his bowl with mine in the sink. I made a futile attempt to fix my hair before giving in and rushing to the bathroom mirror. Fixing it back into place, I grabbed my bag from the coat pegs and threw it over my shoulder.
"Have a good day!" Dad called after me as I opened the door, "Love you!"
"Love you too!" I replied, shutting the door behind me.

I hurried down the steps and out into the back alley. Checking my watch, I made my way towards the street. 15 minutes. I'd make it if I ran.
Picking up my pace, I darted between crowds of people and down another alleyway. It was fairly wide in comparison to the one behind the apartment, with paths leading off into even sketchier areas. I continued running, the cold November air burning in my throat. A group of already drunken men call after me, but I didn't stop. I had a mission, and not a lot of time to do it in.

As I turned the corner, I was met with a familiar face. He gave a crooked grin, reaching into his pocket. I slowed down as I approached, slipping my hand into my bag and pulling out a couple of notes. He handed me a small bag of powder, which I exchanged for the money, before thanking him politely. Just one more stop before school. And now only 8 minutes to do it.

I hurried back out onto the street, shoving the bag into the pocket of my jeans. Once again, I entered another alleyway, and took out the bag. I concealed it under my sleeve, slowing down to a fast walk. As I passed a woman, she reached out her hand and I caught a glimpse of the money she held. I brushed my hand against hers, swapping the bag for the cash and giving her a light smile. This alley was much more open than the other one, meaning there's more chance of being spotted. Discreetly, I slid the money into my pocket and continued through the alley. I slipped through a hole in the chainlink fence, now moving at a regular walk. I checked my watch again; 6 minutes. The gates of my school were coming into view, as more kids approached. Once I finally arrived at the gates, I had 4 minutes to spare. Hmm, new record.



As y/n entered her apartment, she found her father pointing a shotgun towards the boy, and a man and a woman she had never seen before. He was yelling, louder then she had ever realised was possible for him. Elliot was usually a very relaxed man, and to see him like this terrified her.



"Whoa, hey!" I yelled, interupting whatever the hell was going on. I'd never seen Dad so distressed before. "Dad, gun down. Now." I placed two fingers on the barrel of the shotgun, lowering it as the two strangers before me exchanged glances of confusion.
"Who the hell is that?" The man with long-ish hair asked, looking at the boy.
"His daughter." they turned back to look at me as I tried to understand what was happening.
"What the actual fuck is going on?!"

The man and the boy muttered to each other as Dad lifted the shotgun again. The boy vanished and reappeared, pointing the gun upwards. Dad attempted to fire it but ended up shattering the sunroof above us, sending shards of glass everywhere. The man lunged forward, grabbing the shotgun and decocking it, as I lifted my hand to my mouth, sucking away the blood from a wound caused by the raining glass.

The woman chuckled slightly, evidently perplexed. "What the hell just happened?"
I would've smiled at her expression if it hadn't been for the situation we were in. "I could ask the exact same thing."


hope this one was a little more interesting than the last. also peek y/n's side hustle as a dealer😦

i'm gonna start trying to upload around once or twice a week, maybe more if i'm motivated :)
happy new year guys, love you all <33

-eva xoxo

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