𝐡 𝐮 𝐢 𝐭.

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  We stood outside the door for what felt like forever until someone answered. At first, I'd lost hope of anyone being here and considered aloud whether or not we should climb through a window. Y/n stopped me, claiming we could get caught and arrested for trespassing. Whilst I knew she was right, there was something strange about her anxiety around the police. It was oddly intriguing.

  As she opened the door, she pulled me into a tight embrace before I could stop her, although it did feel good being reunited again. A man appeared behind her, who I later distinguished as...
  I hadn't expected to find him here of all places, but at least this would only require one journey. He came running past Allison and hugged me too as y/n giggled at my siblings affection. I glared at her, surpressing a smile, before Allison invited us in.
  "Y/n, this is Allison, that's Klaus," I introduced them to y/n before addressing the others, "And guys, this is y/n."
  They shook hands awkwardly but were still smiling as they led us to the kitchen.

  Allison poured two cups of coffee whilst y/n, Klaus and I sat at the table. The kitchen was brightly decorated; she'd really made a life for herself here.
  "We need to get back to y/n's apartment," I began as Allison placed the coffee before us, "I've gathered everyone there already, you're the last two."
  Klaus chuckled, unsurprisingly drunk, "How'd you manage to do that?"
  "I had some help." I glanced at y/n who seemed to take no notice of me. She was staring at the kitchen around us. "Anyway, we should leave now, we don't have much time."
  I let y/n take a sip of her coffee before taking her hand, as well as Klaus'. Allison was still skeptical.
  "Last time you did this, I ended up loosing everything, Five. How do I trust that you won't do it again?"
  Y/n spoke up for the first time since arriving, "He won't. He's teleported us both around Dallas and we've been fine." I smiled at her attempt to stick up for me before Allison took her hand hesitantly. She held Klaus' in her other as I jumped us all back outside y/n's apartment.



  "Is anyone here?" Allison called out, as we walked over the threshhold and into my apartment. I'd decided she seemed sweet, despite only knowing her for less then twenty minutes. I liked Klaus too. A lot. He was funny and I found it surprisingly easy to talk to him.

  "Hello?" Allison continued, stretching out the 'o' sound.
  "Le petit mort, le petit mort." Klaus piped up. I smiled in confusion at the meaning of those words - 'the little death'.
  Allison giggled, "You don't speak French!" as Klaus stated the meaning behind his words.
  We laughed again at Klaus as he began to take in our surroundings. "Oh, wow! Look at all this old stuff!"
  I smiled again at his enthusiasm. For a strange reason it made me feel proud that my dad and I owned all this 'old stuff'. Klaus repeated himself, but this time not addressing my apartment, but the four figures stood above us.
  "Oh, wow..."

𝒆𝒖𝒏𝒐𝒊𝒂. [five hargreeves 𝑥 reader]Where stories live. Discover now