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The feeling was not unlike that of Five's spacial jumps, yet it still made me nauseous. Or maybe I was just nervous to see Vanya again, now that I'd seen what she was capable of. Luckily though, she wasn't here.

Herb, Diego and I landed in what I recognised to be Allison's living room. Before us, stood Allison, Klaus and another man, whom I assumed to be Allison's husband, Ray. They screamed and dropped a rolled-up rug as we arrived.
Diego gasped for air, evidently nauseous too, "Oh, good. Alright, you're both here. Alright, we gotta go!" He said, as the three of us approached them. Herb placed the briefcase down beside him.
"Diego, Y/n! Jesus!" Allison exclaimed, before letting out a sigh of relief.
Herb chuckled, "Wow! Number Two, Three and Four! We almost have an Umbrella straight flush here."
"Ray, this is my other brother, Diego, and Y/n. She's a friend of ours."
I smiled at her, as Diego approached Ray. "Hey, man. Sorry to crash in here like this." He shook his hand before returning back to us. I gave Ray an apologetic smile.
"Hey, who is this guy?" Klaus asked, pointing to Herb.
"Herb. He worked with Five at the Commission."
"The Commission?" Klaus asked.
Herb nodded, before answering Klaus, "We monitor and maintain the time-space continuum."
"No, for real. We were just there. It's awesome, okay. I got to look at the timeline. I know what causes doomsday."
Allison looked at Diego expectantly, waiting for him to finish.
"It's Vanya."

"Wait, what?" Allison's face dropped and Klaus stood up beside her, "How?"
"She's gonna blow up the federal building at Dealey Plaza, just as the president's passing through in..." Diego checked his watch, "Less than one hour. We gotta find her, and stop her, now."
"Wait, Vanya kills the president?" Allison asked, obviously still confused.
"No, no, no, no. See, the explosion causes the motorcade to drive off. Kennedy lives. Everybody thinks Russia's behind it, including the president. He strikes back, they strike back. Before you know it, it's raining nukes."
"And just like that, boom!" I added, using my hands to gesture an explosion, "The end of the fucking world."
"Okay, um..."
"Holy shit..."
"Ray? Ray, baby." Allison made her way over to a hyperventilating Ray, taking his hand in hers. "Are...are you okay?"

"No, I'm not okay." He said, calming his breathing, though he was still shaking, "First of all, this son of a bitch beams into our living room with yet another one of your brothers, and he's talking about stopping one of your sisters from blowing up some buildings, and I got a dead man wrapped up in my best rug, babe."

"Look, it sounds crazy, I know. But I saw it with my own eyes. And I'm not one of them-I don't have powers. I'm from this timeline. I didn't have a lot of time to accept it, but I did. So now you need to get a fucking grip and do the same, so we can help stop Vanya. Understood?" I said, as Allison tried to calm Ray, "And also, what did you say about your rug?"

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