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  I almost laugh at his answer, then remember I'm tied up. I'm hardly in any position to be laughing at others right now.
  "As in the number?" I taunted as he stiffened. I stared at him for a minute before he lifted the tape back to my mouth.
  "Okay, okay, I'm sorry! Use anything but the tape, seriously! I can't breathe with it on." I watched as a ghost of a smile flickered across his face and he left to get the cloth he'd used earlier. He tied it around my mouth as Diego reentered.
  "We'll be back soon. Lila will still be here so don't try anything." he stated. "She may not look like it but she can kick ass. Come on Five, let's go." The two left leaving me and Dad alone once more.

  A few hours had passed before Lila finally returned, carrying Diego with her. Dad had fallen asleep a while ago and whilst Lila was out, I'd taken the oppurtunity to cut myself free. I'd managed to jump over to the countertop and reach a butter knife. Although it took some time, I eventually cut one of my hands free holding the knife between my teeth, and after that it was easy enough. My first thought was to go to the police, but there was no way I'd be able to explain Five's powers. Plus, I wanted to know what was really going on. They still hadn't explained.

  Now, I was sat on the couch opposite Lila and Diego, as she tended to a stab wound in his side. Five appeared in the kitchen doorway, not even sparing me a glance.
  "Oh. He isn't dead."
  "Disappointed?" Lila asked him, looking up from Diego.
  "Oh, to see you? Always." He picked up a small piece of cotton wool and returned to his place at the doorway.
  "So much hostility in such a tiny package." Five raised the wool to his neck as he glared at Lila. "Did you cut yourself shaving? I could teach you to shave like a big boy."
  He sighed, disregarding her gaze. "No, I just ran into an old family friend."
  Dad let out a quiet snore, causing Five to turn and look at him. When he turned back around he look somewhat concerned.
  "Where's the girl?"
  I scoffed, finally gaining his attention. "Right here, dipshit. You blind?"
  He didn't answer but turned back to Lila. "You untied her but not him?"
  "Oh, she was already free when I got back. Didn't see why I should tie her back down." She looked up from Diego's wound. "Was I supposed to?"
  Five didn't answer but took a seat next to me as we both watched Lila. When she was done, I stood up, rubbing my eyes and yawning.
  "Listen, you and Diego can take my dad's bed tonight," I addressed Lila before turning to Five, "And you can take the couch." I left for my bedroom before any of them could argue with me. Not even bothering to change, I crawled into bed and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep to the sound of faint voices.



  I awoke the next morning to find Dad had been untied, Diego asleep, Lila making coffee and Five gone. It was around 10am when I finally pulled myself out of bed and trudged to the bathroom. I fixed my hair, brushed my teeth and quickly splashed my face with cold water before heading to the kitchen. Lila offered me a coffee, which I gladly accepted as I watched Dad cook. He was making a tuna mold, possibly one of the most disgusting meals I'd ever eaten, but I wasn't about to tell him that. Once he'd finished, Lila went to wake up Diego.

  "You hungry? Elliot's made moldy tuna." she said, entering Dad's bedroom.
  "It's a tuna mold." He placed emphasis on the last word before carrying the food to the kitchen table. Lila and Diego continued talking as I tuned them out, focusing on the events of the last 24 hours. Dad threatened to shoot Five, Diego and Lila, I cut my hand open, we were both tied to chairs for several hours, and we'd seen the president get assassinated before it even happened. I think I was slowly going insane.

  A loud yell snapped me out of my trance just a few minutes later as Dad began placing leaves on the tuna mold. I watched as he focused all his attention into placing the leaves perfectly, before something hit the glass beside us. Another moment passed as something else hit the glass. This time I caught sight of a shirt. Well, not exactly what I had expected at 10am on a Saturday. Dad picked up the food and moved elsewhere as I left to my bedroom. Neither of us wanted to be anywhere near what was going on. Plus I had places to be.


  I'd been out shopping with my friends all day and was on my way home. Well, almost. I had a couple of deals first. I headed to the same alley as always, except there was a huge crowd of officers nearby. As I approached, I saw a mob of people protesting. Best to stay well away, I didn't want to draw any attention to myself considering what I was about to do.

  Everything was going fine until I'd exchanged the money and was leaving the alley. An officer stood at the entrance, watching as I fumbled with the bag, trying to hide it in my pocket. It wasn't until I looked up after concealing it, that I finally saw the officer staring directly at me. He began walking towards me, as I backed away. I guess he'd seen me entering the alleyway. After all, it was dark out and a teen sneaking around did look pretty suspicious. He approached faster as all I could think to do was run. So I did.

  I'd been here more times than I could count, so finding my way around was easy enough. He was a cop though and I was just a teenage girl, so I didn't have the best advantage. Still, I'd ran from the cops before, so I could do it again. Right?

  My lungs were burning as he shouted after me. His voice sounded distant, so I allowed myself to look behind me. Upon doing so, I spotted another officer, not to far behind the first. I turned again, almost colliding with a tall wooden fence. There was no way around it so I climbed. It was rough, with little grip, but I'd managed to hoist myself up and over by the time the cops got there. I turned a corner and crouched behind a trash can holding my breath as I watched them run past.
  Once they were out of ears reach, I sighed, breathing heavily, before I snuck back out and retraced my steps until I was back on the sidewalk. I took a different route home, avoiding anymore officers and snuck back into my apartment. I'd have to do the second deal tomorrow but for now, I was safe in the comfort of the apartment.


  woah she ran from the cops?! 😨😨
what a badass :0
anyways hope yall enjoyed <3

  also, to the person that wanted to request a scene ages ago, 1, i cant find ur comment so tell me here and 2, sorry it took so long to get back to you :)

-eva xoxo

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