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  For y/n, school that day was boring, to say the least. She'd missed a couple of days due to everything that had happened with the Hargreeves siblings, but today, none of them would be at home. Elliot had practically forced her to go to school, despite her futile attempts to reason with him. Now, sitting in history class, she realised just how much she hated school.
  The only thing keeping her from smashing her head into the window beside her, was the thought that later tonight, she'd be sleeping over at her best friend's house, Violet. She'd completely forgotten about it until this morning, when Violet reminded her, and she was sure that Elliot would've forgotten too. She made a mental note to leave him a message.

  As for the Hargreeves, they had been invited to a dinner with their father, which of course, they all accepted. None of them really knew what to expect, yet each of them showed up, desperate for their questions to be answered.



  As I trudged up the stairs to my apartment, I made a pointless attempt to rub the sleep from my eyes. Violet and I had stayed up until nearly four in the morning to watch  'I Love Lucy', and we'd woken up only a few hours later. I heard voices from the kitchen as I slid my key into the lock and twisted the handle.

  "Wrong number, have a lovely day!" Diego's voice echoed as I entered the kitchen. All eyes turned to me, and Luther immediately lunged towards the doorway between the living room and the kitchen. His face showed obvious worry as my eyes swiftly traced over the faces of Luther and Diego, before settling on Five. He was covered in blood, and his clothes were stained with it.

  "Why the hell is there blood all over you..." I murmured, barely a whisper. He grimaced in response as I walked over to the sink, soaking a cloth with warm water.
  "What did you do." I handed the cloth to him but he held it limply in his hands, still not replying.
  "Okay, then..."

  I attempted to slide past Luther, but he pushed himself against the doorframe. I tried again but to no avail.
  "Okay, can someone please tell me what the hell is going on?" I demanded, irritated with the lack of answers I was receiving. Luther swallowed as Diego sighed behind me. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a figure sat in Dad's dentist chair.
  "Seriously!" I half yelled, no longer exhausted, "Someone tell me why I come home to Five covered in blood and, what I assume to be, a dead body over there!" I gestured to the chair, to which Luther glanced behind him. I took the oppurtunity to shove past him, and dash over to the figure.

  Luther was fast, grabbing me and yanking me away as I attempted to uncover the body. He held a firm grip on me, yet still I tried to wriggle out of his grasp, desperately attempting to clasp the blanket. My fingers curled around a tiny portion, and as Luther pulled me backwards again, the blanket slid off.

  Everything seemed to happen so fast, that it almost didn't feel real. Luther dropped his arms as I stood infront of the chair. The world seemed to stop as I stared at Dad, drenched in blood, various tools sticking from his body. My body went numb, and I all I could do was stare at him. I didn't cry, I didn't scream, I didn't try to push Luther away when he placed a sorrowful hand on my shoulder. I just watched as a droplet of blood trickled down from Dad's mouth, unable to do or feel anything.

  And then suddenly a pair of warm hands clutched my shoulders and I was stood in the bathroom. Five stood before me, blocking the door. Now it made sense. He was covered in blood. He was drenched in the thick, red liquid. And so was my dad.

  "What. Did. You. Do...." I glared at Five. He avoided me gaze, remaining silent. I shoved my hands into his chest, begging the tears in my eyes not to spill.
  "Look at me!" I'd never screamed like this before, and my throat ached. But I didn't care. How could I? "Answer the fucking question!"

  "I didn't kill him..." He whispered, finally staring me in the eye. He looked, for the first time since I'd known him, scared. And he should be. How the hell was I supposed to trust him on this?

  "Don't lie to me Five..." I whispered, my voice low and cold. Again, he didn't answer, only making my state worse.
  "I'll kill you, you son of a bitch! I'll fucking kill you!"

  As my fist slammed into his face, he didn't make any attempt to stop me, but after a few blows to the nose, he finally disappeared with a flash of blue. The door flung open and Luther grabbed me by the arms, pinning them to my side. I flailed about violently, tears streaming down my cheeks, whilst I tried to get out of his grasp. So much for 'falling for Five'.

  "I'm so sorry, y/n..." Five muttered staring up at me, "I really am. But you have to believe me when I tell you it wasn't me!"
  "Th-then who?!" I managed to choke out, as my body fell limp. I stopped struggling, and eventually Luther placed me back down, though still keeping a firm grip on my arms.
  "The Swedes. They must've been looking for us. And when they found we weren't here, they killed him instead."
  It made sense. Though it still didn't explain why Five was covered in blood. Or whose it was...
  "...Then it's your fault." I uttered, finally controlling my breathing.

  Five nodded to Luther, who reluctantly let go of me. When I remained still, unable to move, Five inched over to me and pulled me into his chest. I buried my head into his neck and cried until I physically couldn't anymore. All the while, he was patient with me. He kept one arm wrapped tightly around me, the other stroking my hair.

  Dad was all I had. And now he was gone. And although I had blamed Five, although I had told him it was his fault, I realised I was wrong. So very wrong.

  It was mine.


  hated writing this but his death was too important to leave out :(

  on a happier not, surprise update !! :D
i'll still update on friday but i had loads of free time so i figured, why not?

  i love you all sm, and tysm for all the support and the comments/votes
it really means a lot <33

-eva xoxo

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