
Levi makes it to my place right at five o'clock, the time we agreed on. I'm already waiting by the door for him, so I simply go outside and climb into his car.

To be clear, I asked him to be my plus one. I did not ask for a ride to the party. He offered that himself.

He drives like an old lady, but a free ride is a free ride. Besides, we're going in the same direction. It'd be a bit dumb to take separate cars.

"So, what exactly is this?" Levi asks while I'm in the middle of buckling up.

"Block party." I simply answer. He makes sure I'm buckled before pulling off the curb. I sigh and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear as I fix the skirt of my dress. "We don't have to be there for long." I assure. I don't want to be there for long.

I love my parents and I love the neighborhood I grew up in, but it can get a little uncomfortable being around everyone so much. They've all known me since I was born.

Levi clears his throat quietly. "You look pretty."

I glance at his profile and give a small smile. "Thanks." I breathe, looking back down at my lap.

I hate this.

These people have known me my entire life. They have seen all my stupid and embarrassing phases.

One of those phases was pretty dresses and bows.

Not a bad phase. Not even embarrassing. I looked pretty cute with pretty dresses and bows in my hair.

But apparently, if someone in the neighborhood wears one fucking dress one goddamn time, it's their whole personality forever.

Unless I want to get a bunch of comments about how unladylike I've grown to dress and be, I need to wear them. I still like to think I'm pretty and ladylike. Only thing is I don't really dress the way they want me to anymore.

I don't feel like being told how unladylike jeans and a fucking t-shirt is. How is jeans and a t-shirt unladylike? They're jeans and a t-shirt!

It's not even like everyone is really stupid and thinks women should always be in dresses or anything. Everyone just labeled me as really girly and completely lose their shit when I wear anything but something girly.

It's stupid, I know.

And I could probably just stop wearing dresses. Eventually, they'll stop this stupid little thing they've got going on. I just don't feel like waiting for them to stop.

"Hey, Levi?" I call, halfway into our completely silent drive.


"What's your deal with silence?" I snort and reach forward to turn the volume on the radio up just a little.

Levi chuckles quietly. "I, uh...wasn't sure what music you'd like." He admits.

"This is fine." I assure, keeping the radio at a comfortable volume. "Literally everything but total silence is fine." I add with a smile to his profile.

He still never looks away from the road. Levi knows the way already, so he doesn't use a gps, there's no need to look away.

The more I think about it, I realize he might have a reason for driving like that. He goes a normal speed and such, but his posture is perfect and his eyes never leave the road.

Maybe he's got a reason for being a careful driver. I try not to tease him about this anymore.

"Oh!" I clap and sit up when I remember what I need to tell him.

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